Tuesday Reflection – September 03, 2019

Confidence in God’s Presence

King Ahaz was ruler of Judah, succeeding his father Jotham and his grandfather Uzziah. Isaiah the prophet had given counsel to his father and then to him. A crisis arose when King Perez of Israel and King Rezin of Syria invaded Judea to force them to form an alliance against the Assyrian Kingdom. Ahaz, acting against the counsel of Isaiah, turned to the Assyrian king for help. They get the help and Israel and Syria are defeated by the Assyrians, but at a heavy price to Judah as they were taxed heavily by the Assyrians, king Ahab became a vassal to the Assyrian king and Assyrian idols were introduced to the temple. It was in light of all these happenings that the Lord used Isaiah to call on Ahaz to repent and lead Judah back to God. Ahaz refused to change and he and the people of Israel traveled on a path of self-destruction rather than one of Godly obedience. Isaiah’s prophecy embodied God’s reaction to the religious infidelity of His people. God’s judgment was coming, it would be swift and deadly and Israel would be powerless to stop it, neither would they be shielded or protected from it. In the midst of this, the prophet maintains his own confidence in God. He would not follow the others and turn away from God. He trusted God’s plan, depended on God’s resources and lived in God’s presence. Today’s Watchword is from Isaiah 8: 17: I will wait for the Lord, who is hiding his face from the house of Jacob.

God does not tolerate sin. Psalm 5: 4 tells us, For You are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness, Nor shall evil dwell with You. God’s people had sinned and refused to amend their ways. Isaiah therefore stated that God had turned his face away from His people because of their sin. This led to the sinful condition of the people worsening rather than becoming better. Those who remain blatantly disobedient to God’s words will eventually lose their perspective on right and wrong. Modern society has gotten to the stage where we laud the people, ideologies and things that are ungodly while underrating and disregarding what is Godly, what is righteous, what is good. Like the prophet Isaiah however, we are called to stand fast. Even though everyone had turned away from God, Isiah declared, I will wait for the Lord. We all know what it means to wait. As Christians we learn that regardless of what is happening around us or to us, we are to wait on God for God’s action is always perfectly timed and perfectly appropriate. We wait for God to deliver, to save, to heal, to provide. We wait because God is God and there is none like Him. We wait because we have confidence in God’s power and ability. We wait because God has never failed to come through. While the world around us forsakes God, we wait in confidence on God.

Our confidence stands in opposition to worldly defiance. Our confidence stands as a testament to God’s faithfulness and as a beacon to the fearful. It is our confidence that will strengthen others to trust God who even in His wrath, takes the time to show mercy to the faithful. We see what is happening around us but are not frightened by these events because we know that God is working through these events to win this apostate world back to himself. Do not fear what is taking place in these latter days, dear friends. We are to fear God and God alone. While he turns away from the wicked, God’s favor is always on his people. This is the confidence we have as Christians. We should therefore submit to God’s plan, live in God’s presence and be sustained through God’s bounteous provisions. 1 Peter 3: 12 For the eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, And His ears are open to their prayers; But the face of the LORD is against those who do evil.” Till next week, remain faithful and confident in God’s presence. Amen

Bevon White

Monday Reflection- September 2, 2019

Sovereign Dispenser of Mercy and Grace


I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy. Exodus 33:19


What a declaration from the Sovereign Dispenser of grace and mercy! He will dispense of his own grace and mercy in his own way! In the context of today’s Watchword, God has become frustrated with the sinful and rebellious ways of his people, Israel. While Moses is on Mount Sinai with God, the people made for themselves a golden calf to worship. This event sets off a minor debate between God and Moses about what God should do to the people of Israel in response to their idolatry. Initially, God proposes that he will destroy all the people of Israel and start over with Moses. However, Moses disagrees and tells God that such an action will bring shame upon God’s name. God then decides to not destroy the Israelites.

Moses then returns to the people and rebukes them for their behaviour. They repent, and so Moses returns to speak with God and plead with him to forgive the people. God says that he will forgive them, but he will not go with them to the Promised Land because his holiness would consume them in their sin. This leads Moses to intercede with God for the people of Israel. He tells God that if God does not go with them to the Promised Land, then they should not go at all. God agrees to go with the Israelites to the Promised Land. Moses requests to see the glory of God, and when God’s glory passes in front of Moses, it is then that Moses hears God’s statement that He will be gracious to whom he wants and will show compassion upon whom he desires.


Indeed, God exerts his right to be gracious and compassionate to whom he wants; however, God is not a God who rules with an iron fist and quell all dissent so that his people are mindless robots who do whatever God wants out of fear for the repercussions if they don’t. God desires and requires obedience, but he also loves when his people engage him in reasonable discussion and dialogue about his actions and decisions. Moses did this with God, and far from proving that Moses was a rebellious idolater who didn’t want God to be God, such intimate dialogue with God made Moses a friend of God. God desires to reason with us, for it is in this reasoning that he reveals his divine will and plans for our lives, and demonstrates his mercy and compassion. We hear God’s invitation, ‘Come, let us reason together’.


I could not close this reflection without noting that today marks the beginning of the new academic year 2019-2020. We pray that the fullness of God’s mercy and grace will be dispensed upon our teachers, students, administrators, Ministry of Education, parents and all stakeholders. Indeed, it is only by God’s mercy and grace that we can anticipate a successful and productive year. I believe today’s text also beckons us to reason with each other; not argue, quarrel or verbally abuse each other. May classrooms, staffrooms, offices and homes be places of productive reasoning that will result in our further growth and development.

A blessed school year to all!

Jermaine Gibson

Friday Reflection – August 30, 2019

God is waiting on you!

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
2 Peter 3:9 NIV

Dear friends,
Today’s reflection is one that caused me to go into deep thought. I have read and heard this verse many times but before today, I didn’t notice the word instead.

The text:
Hear Peter speaking to those who believe Jesus was taking too long to return or that he may not return at all. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance

The Application:
Just as it was then so it is now.. people have their doubts about Jesus’s return.
Like Peter, I want to remind us that the return of our savior is inevitable
I also want to remind you today, that God’s timing is nothing like ours. A thousand years to us is like a day to him. It means then, that what we may deem the slow return is really God being patient with us. It is God waiting on us to come to a readiness for his return! (REPENTANCE)

ARE YOU READY FOR HIS RETURN? My prayer is that we’ll all be ready. I am sure though, that some persons may say, no I am not ready, but I am working on getting ready. Why then do we press the issue of his return????
God is waiting on you to get your house in order! The effort we put into debating his return, should go towards repentance

God is not slack in keeping his promises. Jesus will return! . Being the loving God he is, he is giving us time to come to a place of readiness through repentance. Slowness as we understand it is not what’s happening, what is happening is that God is exercising patience with mankind
The next time you or someone you know makes a fuss about the return of our Lord, remind yourselves, God is not slack concerning his promises, instead he is being patient, it is not his will for any to perish, but that all might come to REPENTANCE

Until next week, God is waiting on you, get your house in order

Shaneka Raymore-Euphfa

Thursday Reflection – August 29, 2019

The knowledge of God leads to love

Anyone who claims to know something does not yet have the necessary knowledge; but anyone who loves God is known by him. 1 Corinthians 8:2‭-‬3 NRSV.
*Human knowledge is full of pride, but the knowledge of God is governed by love.* In today’s doctrinal text, Paul speaks to the church in Corinth on the matter of food offered to idols. Those with knowledge know that idols are not real and God is the provider of everything; therefore nothing is wrong with eating food once sacrificed to idols. However, not everyone possess this knowledge and such action can lead other believers astray. So Paul concludes that, “if eating meat sacrificed to idols will cause believers around him to sin, then it is better not to eat meat sacrificed to idols”.
As I examine this text there are a couple of points that stand out for me.
1. *Human knowledge can lead to pride.*
What do we do with the knowledge that we have? Paul, with his knowledge, understood that the eating of meat sacrificed to idols did not make him unclean. But he also knew that not everyone was able to grasp this knowledge. How did Paul react? Paul stated, “Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother or sister to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause them to fall.” How many of us would react in that manner with the knowledge that we have?
The New International Version interprets verse one in the following manner, “Now about food sacrificed to idols: We know that “We all possess knowledge.” *But knowledge puffs up while love builds up.*”
The truth is that those with knowledge tend to think they know more and behave as such. When others are not able to meet their level of intellect or knowledge they tend to regard others as lower beings. In the process of regarding others as such those with knowledge become puff up and full of pride. *A dangerous combination that does not reflect Jesus Christ.*
2. *We’re guided by God’s love*
The action of Paul not to eat meat if it lead others to sin is guided by love. Human knowledge cannot comprehend this action, because this action is not of human or this world. The ability to truly characterize love comes only from God. That is why Paul says, “but anyone who loves God is known by him.” Anyone who truly loves God will do the things of God and treat people as how God would treat them. Those who seek God and love God will be able to love others as God does. They will be able to put the need of others ahead of theirs, especially concerning non-essential matters.
*We are guided by the actions of God through his son Jesus; we are guided by love.* Such a powerful tool and agent of change. I invite us to read 1 Corinthians 13 and reflect on how we can truly demonstrate love.
We sometimes become so caught up in the behaviour of this world that we forget to show love. We become so caught up with what we don’t have forgetting that we can still show love with what we have.
We become so caught up with positions and titles that we forget that our birth certificates only carry our names.
We could have all the knowledge in the world, but if we do not have love then it is meaningless, null and void. Only our relationship with God and people matters in the end.
*Until next week allow the knowledge of God’s love to guide your every step.*
*Christopher Euphfa*

Wednesday Reflection – August 28, 2019

The Adequate God

Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”  God said, “I will be with you.” Exodus 3:11-12


Isn’t it amazing what God has done and continues to do? On a personal note, when I reflect on my own life and consider all that God has done in, for and with me, it is truly amazing, sometimes even mind boggling. Honestly, it is hard to hold back the tears when I recall all that God has done; it is a deeply humbling experience. In the midst of our host of inadequacies and limitations, God demonstrates his adequacy and omnipotence.

As God summons Moses to head to Egypt to deliver God’s people from bondage, Moses lists a myriad of reasons why he is not suited for the job. “Who am I?” reflects Moses’ understanding of his limitations and the magnitude of the task God was calling him to. Yes, he was raised in the palace, but that was long ago. He killed an Egyptian and fled for his life. He has been living anonymously in a foreign land for many years. He has become a simple shepherd. How can a shepherd negotiate with Pharaoh?

Yet, Moses’ response indicates not just his feeling of inadequacy, but for him, God couldn’t have considered him. God got it terribly wrong this time. Moses’ history was still haunting him. He recalls his earlier attempt to help the Israelites, but that resulted in the death of an Egyptian. This ultimately led to Pharaoh seeking to kill him. So how could God be sending him to his enemy? It is clear that God recognizes the inadequacies of Moses, but was teaching him to not depend on himself. Moses is being taught to depend on God. Additionally, God is leading Moses to face his past and allow God to guide him.

Moses raises five objections why he should not accept God’s invitation to go to Egypt. His final plea will be simply, “O Lord, please send someone else” (4:13). God responds by declaring, “I will be with you”.  It doesn’t really matter who Moses is, because Yahweh will enable Moses to work by his power. Yahweh will be there with Moses, and will not let him fail. Additionally, God offers his divine name, “I AM WHO I AM” (3:14). Perhaps a better translation is “I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE.” I believe that this was meant not just for the people who would ask Moses who sent him. It was meant for Moses- the I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE God would be with him every step of the way. What more could Moses ask for?

The Bible is replete with persons who felt they were not able or adequate enough to fulfill God’s call on their lives. We could add many more names including Jermaine Gibson. The truth is we are never adequate by ourselves to do God’s work. Anytime we feel adequate, we have to check our level of arrogance and pomposity. It is God who makes us adequate, for he is our all in all. Paul pleaded with God to remove his thorn in the flesh, but God pointed out that it is to keep him humble. Yet, God assured him that, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Till next week, forget about self and rely completely on our Adequate God.

Jermaine Gibson

Tuesday Reflection – August 27, 2019


Today’s Watchword comes from Malachi 3: 1. See, I am sending my messenger to prepare the way before me. Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament. No one is sure of the name of the prophet since Malachi actually means ‘my messenger’. He prophesied in the early part of the 5th Century BC, a time when Jerusalem including the temple, was being rebuilt by under the leadership of Nehemiah. As we look at the text, it helps to go to the previous chapter in which the prophet outlines God’s disappointment with the religious leaders and with society in general. The chapter closes with the response of the people. Where is this God of the judgement, the God we should fear, the God who will call us into judgement? The belief was that God was far removed from the affairs of humanity so there was nothing to stop them doing as they pleased. Such thinking by any society always precedes God’s judgement.


Our text responds to the question of the people, God is about to send his messenger to prepare the way for his coming. This can be taken on three levels. Firstly, Malachi, my messenger, was proclaiming the word of God to bring Israel to repentance before God reoccupied the temple and Israel reestablished a culture of worship and sacrifice. If the people’s hearts were not fully focused on God, if they were not fully engaged in keeping the covenant, then their worship and sacrifice would be lacking. Secondly, this was a prophecy pointing to John the Baptist who would come as the forerunner to Jesus, calling people to repentance in order to be ready for the coming of the messiah. Thirdly, this is a prophecy to the church of today, God’s messengers in a sinful world, calling the people of God to steadfastness and preparation for the return of Jesus for His church. In all three cases the establishment of a Godly order meant judgement on anyone who was found not meeting the mark, that is anyone living in sin.


The message is therefore is clear to the church of today. The return of the Lord is imminent, and the church is the messenger calling both those within and without to repentance. In Exodus we read of Moses, a man who had murdered an Egyptian and ran away. However, after his time in Midian and his penitence when He met God, God was able to use Him to free the Hebrew people and lead them to the Promised Land. No one is outside of God’s mercy. In Eph. 2: 4 – 5 Paul writes: But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions–it is by grace you have been saved. This is the message of the church and the hope for humanity. Jesus shall soon return, and we should make ourselves ready by forsaking a life led by our own devises and desires. Its not about what we want. It’s not about what makes us feel good, its about Jesus and the salvation he offers to those who believe in Him. His grace is sufficient for us. David, greatest king of Israel, was described as a man after God’s own heart. Yet he too failed. We read in 2 Samuel where he breaks almost half of the commandments. He lied, he cheated, he coveted, he murdered, he committed adultery, yet when he realized the sinfulness of his ways and cried out to God, ‘have mercy on me O God according to your lovingkindness, blot out my iniquities and forgive my sins’, God heard him and forgave him. I could also tell you about Jonah and Peter who both repented and were forgiven. I could also tell you about Judas who rather than repent, took his own life. Makes me wonder what he heard while he listened to Jesus for three years. To those who are unrepentant, the message of Christ offers condemnation, but those with a repentant heart hears from the messenger, a message of forgiveness, of restoration and of an eternity with our Lord. The way is being prepared friends, I pray you have or will receive the message of hope. Jesus shall return. Be prepared even as you share the message of preparation with others.  Amen

Bevon White

Monday Reflection – August 26, 2019

Monday Reflection – August 26, 2019

In God’s Time

 Thus says the Lord, “In a time of favor I have answered you, on a day of salvation I have helped you.” Isaiah 49:8


Today’s Watchword is in the context of the second of four Servant Songs in Isaiah 42-53. The servant is God’s agent to do his work in the world. The songs are about God’s servant who will, among other things, bring justice to the nations, raise up the tribes of Jacob, and restore the preserved of Israel. Furthermore, God says, “I will also give you for a light to the nations, that you may be my salvation to the end of the earth” (49:6b). It is clear that the servant will exercise considerable power on Yahweh’s authority.

In today’s text, Yahweh promises to bring his children home. This is intended to encourage the exiles who are having trouble believing that Yahweh will soon free them from their exile and lead them back to their homeland. God is about to liberate them. Yet, such will be on God’s terms and at God’s determined time. Notice that God says, ‘in a time of favor’ and ‘on a day of salvation’. Further, God promises that he will preserve them and give them as a covenant to the people. God is reminding them of the covenant he had established between them, a covenant between a superior (God) and an inferior (humans). God initiates these covenants and dictates their terms, and in every case the terms are favorable to the humans.

Thus in the context of the people’s inability to recover on their own and bring about their own future, God promises their restoration. God uses language that is akin to that of a mother to emphasize his promised care. For example, in 49:14, the people complains that God has forsaken and forgotten them. God responds in verse 15 by asking, if it is possible for the actual mother of a child to forget her child, even her nursing child, and if it is possible for the literal mother of the child to show no compassion for a child she has borne. Even if this were possible, God declares that it is not possible for him. “Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you.” God is faithful and this means that God’s options are limited; God will not, indeed cannot forget Israel. This is an act of divine self-limitation. In fact, God says that Israel is inscribed or tattooed on the palms of his hands. Israel has become a part of God’s identity. God is mother in a way that no earthly mother can be.

What a word of assurance for God’s people today! When we face life’s challenges, we have a mothering God who will always remember us. We are tattooed on the palms of God’s hands, never to be forgotten, but marked by him. We have a faithful God who will raise us up and cause us to thrive bountifully. Our journey may be through the wilderness, but we shall not be in want of food or water or protection. God himself will be our provider, guide and shelter. Yet God acts in his own time and day, as he bestows favour and salvation upon us.


Until next week, let’s trust God’s timing and actions.

Jermaine Gibson

Friday Reflection – August 23, 2019

Give God glory

Yours, O Lord, are the greatest, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty; for all that is in heaven and on Earth is yours.
1 Chronicles 29:11.

Earlier in the chapter, David had ask leaders to contribute to the building of the temple. Each leader contributed much of their possession. The people as well as David were happy to see how the leadership willingly gave the best of what they had to the work of the God. Just moments after the giving, David began to pray. As I read the passage I could feel the warmth of his heart and how grateful he was to God for allowing the leadership to give so willingly.

Many times in life we see great things happen in our midst and we forget that it is God who made it possible. If it had not been for God’s provision, the leaders who have gold , iron and bronze would not have been able to do so.
David who knew that every good thing came from God began to pray “Yours, O Lord, are the greatest, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty; for all that is in heaven and on earth is yours.

In the same way, we too should declare the greatness, power and majesty of God! Everything on earth and in heaven belongs to him. When we see great things in our midst, we should give him glory!

Sometimes we get caught up in the rush of life, and we become so busy, that we forget to pray and give God our best worship

In times of miracles, we sometimes give honor to those who God would have used for his purpose to be fulfilled and we forget that it is God who is using those who help us


Shaneka Raymore-Euphfa

Thursday Reflection – August 22, 2019


But it is not so among you; but whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant. Mark 10:43

Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem for what would be the fulfilment of his ministry here on earth. He was accompanied by his disciples who followed him until they were scattered after Jesus’s arrest in the garden of Gethsemane. On the way to Jerusalem James and John, the sons of Zebedee, asked to be placed on the right and left of Jesus when he enters his glory. Jesus indicated that he was unable to grant such a request for those places have already been reserved.

When the rest of disciples heard this they became angry with James and John for making such a request. Jesus then called his disciples to teach them. He said, “You know that among the Gentiles those whom they recognize as their rulers lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them. But it is not so among you; but whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be slave of all. For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many.”

At the heart of James and John’s request and the vexation of the disciples was self-centeredness, greed and a desire for power. James and John were only concerned about themselves and the disciples were upset that they were not part of this request. Jesus went on to explain that this is how the Gentiles or the world operate. They “lord” it over others and become tyrants in doing so.

In other words they crave power and want to be greater than others and in doing so ensure they subjugate others. They keep others down so that they can remain on top. They mistreat others so that they can be in control. They lie, scheme and plan so that they will always have subordinates. This is how the world thinks. They possess the mentality suggesting, “I am bigger, better, and have more power than you, while telling others you’re weak, insignificant and powerless.”

Humans generally have a desire to be better than others and this is evident in how leadership treat staff at times; how individuals in higher social strata treat those in lesser social strata; how the rich treat the poor and how the poor treat those who are poorer.

Jesus said to his disciples, “But it is not so among you.” As believers in Christ we are challenged to look differently at how we lead, look at power and greatness. Jesus continued by saying, “But whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be slave of all.
Greatness defined by Jesus is humbling ourselves and becoming a servant to others. Greatness is not the accolades that come with a “so-called” high position. Greatness is getting our hands dirty, doing the hard work and serving others. Not even Jesus, the son of God, came to be served. Jesus said he came to serve.

We are called to be servants. In all spheres of life we are called to serve others. Those who want to be first will be last. Those who put themselves above others will be placed below others. Jesus wants us to be servants and change our mentality from that of the world. I end with this question, do your actions depict that of a servant or that of a tyrant?

Until next week serve God and be a servant to others.


Christopher Euphfa

Wednesday Reflection – August 21, 2019

Live Responsibly!


I must bear the indignation of the Lord, because I have sinned against him, until he takes my side and executes judgment for me. He will bring me out to the light: I shall see his vindication. Micah 7:9

Responsibility and accountability are two critical words to apply to everyone and to every sphere of life. Daily we hear the demand for accountability of political, public and private sectors, civil and religious leaders. We also hear the challenge for all to demonstrate responsibility in how we conduct ourselves at home, school, work, as we use the roads etc. Taking responsibility is an honourable thing, but also a Christ-like attribute. God is always summoning us to be responsible in all aspects of our lives.


Today’s Watchword presents the prophet Micah taking responsibility not only for himself, but for his people. He outlined the crumbling relationships that existed among God’s people. Their rampant sin and selfishness had led to the decay of personal relationships among God’s people. One could not trust a friend nor put confidence in a companion. Even blood relatives were at war with each other. He then warned his enemies not to gloat over his present distressing condition, for he will rise. In today’s text he admits that he, and by extension his people, have sinned and must bear the penalty.

We must note that Micah places himself and his people confidently in the hands of God. He is prepared to bear God’s wrath. I can hear David in 2 Samuel 24:14, “I am in great distress; let us fall into the hand of the Lord, for his mercy is great; but let me not fall into human hands.” It is better to be in God’s hand and under his chastisement than to be under the punishment of humans. In God’s hand, we are assured of justice and fair treatment. Humans tend to forget that we are all sinners and we crucify others by our actions and especially with our tongue.  


Micah accepts the punishment for his sins. When we fail to accept God’s punishment and murmur against God, we do not truly acknowledge our guilt and we act irresponsibly. God’s people pled guilty before God; but, in respect of their enemies, they were innocent and undeserving of the pain brought on by them. The people were guilty of idolatry, ingratitude towards God, injustice, unfaithfulness, and unmerciful against one another. These sins deserved serious punishment. The people humbled themselves and were willing to bear patiently and submissively the indignation of the Lord; the just and chastising measures of the Lord and its consequences.

Such a powerful lesson for us today! We ought to be quick to acknowledge our wrongs, repent of them, and be ready to receive God’s punishment. Yet, such punishment is mixed with mercy, for we cannot bear the full brunt of God’s wrath against our sinful actions.

Till next week, let’s strive to live responsibly, and when we fail let’s acknowledge same and seek God’s forgiveness.

Jermaine Gibson