A New Year Resolution

Monday Reflection – 1 January 2018
A New Year Resolution
You must therefore be careful to do as the Lord your God has commanded you; you shall not turn to the right or to the left. Deuteronomy 5:32
Jesus said, “My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples.” John 15:8
I greet you well on this the first day of the New Year 2018! Happy New Year everyone!!! What a blessing it is to be alive as we have been ushered into a brand new year. His multiplying grace has sustained us and his unending mercies have been new every morning throughout 2017. It is such an awesome priviledge to be alive this day, this year! We are called to make use of the opportunities available to us this year as we hurdle the challenges that will come. What an unpredictable and challenging year 2017 was, yet God has truly been good. 
Today’s texts for the New Year are so powerful and appropriate. I wondered where to start because both are so divinely connected. It then dawned on me that:
1. When we obey and follow exactly what the Lord says, we will bear fruit
2. A bountiful fruit-bearing disciple follows God’s commands 
Many persons engage in making New Year resolutions at the start of each new year. In retrospect, perhaps we have failed in living up to those resolutions over the years. Perhaps we have fulfilled some, many or all. I offer to us two things that we may contemplate committing to in 2018:
1. Follow exactly God’s commands – God’s commands are not intended to be onerous, strenuousgruellingburdensomeback-breaking nor stressful. Instead, God invites us into a personal and intimate relationship with him and through that relationship we find joy and pleasure in doing his will. We therefore view God’s commands as truly beneficial to us and as the only true road map to a life of purpose, fulfillment and blessing. This is the sole guarantee of abundant life here on earth and eternal life with him in glory. 
2. Bear fruit – This is the result of a disciplined disciple who commits to faithfully follow Christ. Every disciple must bear fruit; this is the signature sign of our relationship with Christ. I urge you to note that we are not just to bear fruit, but bountifully bear fruit. The text says, “My Father is glorified when you bear much fruit…” The deeper our relationship with Christ, the more fruit we bear. Signs of bountifully bearing fruit include our loving relationship with others and the faithful stewardship of our time, talent and treasure. We remember that by our fruits they shall know us.  
We take note that Resolution requires resoluteness. We will accomplish our resolutions by being resolute. May we demonstrate a fresh resolve this year and be resolute in following exactly God’s commands and bountifully bearing fruit.
I leave you with my usual New Year thought and song that I have found ever renewing at the start of each new year:
I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year, “Give me a light so that I may walk safely into the unknown.” He replied, “Go your way and place your hand into the hand of God.  That will be to you better than light and safer than a known way.”
Thank you Lord for watching over us
Through our trials you’ve made us victorious
We praise your name most Great and Glorious
Thank Lord for one more year.

A new year has come along
Lord give us your wisdom and keep us strong
To face all the fears that come our way
And make us one, Lord, we truly pray.

We have been through good times and bad
And even our sad times you’ve made us glad
Because you were there to see us through
For this and other mercies, Lord, we truly praise you.
Till next week, may the hand of God lead us onward!
Jermaine Gibson 

God’s Benediction

Monday Reflection –  2017

The Lord bless you and keep you. Numbers 6:24

In most of my conversations with others, I usually end with the words, “Bless you”. This is really my prayer that God would bless the individuals; thus it is not my blessing but offering God’s blessing. When we speak of God’s blessings, I believe we are talking about the favour of God for which we have so graciously benefitted.

In Numbers 6, God gave Moses instructions regarding how the Nazarites were to prepare themselves for worship and conduct worship at the Tent of the Meeting. The Chapter closes with the instruction to Aaron as to the specific words he should use for the Priestly Blessing or Benediction. This Blessing begins with the words of today’s Watchword – “The Lord bless you and keep you.”  

God Who is our All in All!

Monday Reflection – 2017


Today we mark another of our Moravian festival, Chief Elder Festival. We recall how on November 13, 1741, 276 years ago, the announcement was made to the congregations of the Brethren’s Church that Jesus Christ is Chief Elder of the Church. We note that no human is head of our Church; Jesus Christ is the sole Head and Chief Elder. 


God Who is our All in All!

 Relieve the troubles of my heart, and bring me out of my distress. Psalm 25:17