Wednesday Reflection, October 13, 2021
Wednesday Reflection, October 13, 2021
Called to Serve
Greetings friends. We might all be familiar with the story of Elkanah and Hannah his wife and her great struggle. How Hanna was mocked because she could not bear children and although Elkanah loved and treated her well, she remained unsatisfied and prayed earnestly to God, so much so, that when they went to the temple she remained in prayer until the Preist Eli, mistook her devotion for drunkeness.
So the Lord honored Hannah’s service. He opened her womb and she bore a son, Samuel. And when he was weaned, as she promised the Lord she would, Anna took Samuel to live at the temple with the Preist Eli. One might wonder at the wisdom of Hannah; after longing so much for this thing, why then would she have spent so little time with her child? What reason could she have for giving him away?
Friends, Hannah recognized that she, like each of us, was called to serve, and a huge part of her service was to bear this child then to give him into the Lord’s employ. In today’s watchword, 1 Samuel 3:4 tells us, ‘the Lord called, ‘Samuel! Samuel!’ and he said, ‘here I am’. Of course the Lord knew where this child was, in the same way God asked, ‘Adam, where are you?’ He is perhaps asking the same question of each of us today, calling us to accountability, to communion, to service and to an active ministry in mission.
In today’s old testament text, ‘The Lord said to Paul, “do not be afraid, but speak and do not be silent; for I am with you.” Acts 18:9-10. Brothers and sisters, if there be any fear or doubt in you today, meditate on this, God who has called you has already equipped you and he promises to be with you at every step of the way.
Let us pray, Lord you’re still calling aren’t you? Take away our fear. Take away our ‘safe’ silence. Give us voice to say, “here I am.” Give us bold courage to speak to injustice, racism, and hatred, for you are with us. Amen.
Kerone Lamoth