Wednesday Reflection, May 20, 2020 Serving the Poor

Wednesday Reflection, May 20, 2020

Serving the Poor

The righteous know the rights of the poor. Proverbs 29:7

Greetings friends, all of us have been givers at one point or another. Now how many of us would consider oyrselves righteous? How about being poor?

To be considerate is to be careful in the way in which we think or treat others. Usually when one considers the poor, he may think of those who may be without food, money or fit a particular description. And whilst it is important to consider those, today I’d like to draw your attention to another aspect of poverty that is often overlooked.

What of the poor in spirit or the poor in heart? Who tends to the man, woman, boy or girl who by society’s standard have and are enjoying all the pleasures and comforts of vanity yet on the inside there is no joy. They know no peace or contentment.

How many of us, and how often do we ourselves become overwhelmed by life’s battles? What do we do? We reach out to other believers or we seek the Lord on our own behalf. It is not so for the poor who may not know the area code to Jesus’ telephone.

Brothers and sisters, poverty is not only physical but it is also spiritual and there in lies the reason for us as believers to carry out Jesus’ commands. Do not grow weary in well doing.

We ought to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ at all times, it is this good news that will forever be applicable for the mending of broken hearts, for healing and restoration, for the building and increase of faith as well as ensuring that the gospel is preached in every crevice and corner.

We all have rights. Solomon declared the righteous know the rights of the poor. Many get turned off from giving because sometimes the ones they serve return no thanks yet Christ calls us each time to a higher level of service. We do not give expecting that we will be thanked, we give because it is one way in which we are called to serve. It is in giving that we receive, not from man but from our heavenly Father.

How can a man go unless he is sent? How can he give if he hasn’t received? My friends, we don’t need to attain riches by the world’s standards to be able to witness, intercede or share with others. It is the duty and inheritance of every child of God to do the work of our Father. The fact that we awaken each morning is a testament of same.

Finally my brethren, Hebrews 6:10 reminds us “God is not unjust; he will not overlook your work and love that you showed for his sake in serving the saints, as you still do.


Kerone Lamoth