Wednesday Reflection, June 3, 2020
Wednesday Reflection, June 3, 2020
God Sees and He Hears
Greetings friends. Today’s reflection takes us back to a time in David’s life when he had to run for his life. He lived in a cave seeking to escape death and the pursuit of the enemy.
In an effort to escape Saul’s clutches. David sought refuge from the King of Gath but then the servants of the king recognized him and so he then needed another way of escape. David pretended to be insane. He pounded his head on the city gate and foamed at his mouth and spat upon himself.
Insanity was his defense and that deterred the phillistines because they would not touch an insane person. David then fled to a cave where he was joined by others.
It is there that he wrote psalm 34. He calls others to join with him in magnifying the Lord. He then begins to testify of his deliverance and further encourages others to share their testimony as well.
My friends, much can be said about David and his life. So many lessons can be drawn from all this but what of your life? And what of mine?
In today’s watchword we are reminded that, ‘the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their cry.” Psalm 34:15
What a time it has been! A time of confusion, doubt, fear, death, wars and rumours of war. Some of us have literally had to lock away or remove ourselves from certain people or some scenes. So much is happening in our context and the world all over. I urge you to keep your eyes on Jesus!
Only those whose hope is firmly planted in Jesus Christ may be able to withstand in the evil day. So much is happening around us, attempting to drive us crazy or give a cause to plead insanity but hear the word of the Lord for He is ever watchful and mindful of His sheep.
Be encouraged today, God who pardoned and delivered David is still available to each of us, His grace is sufficient for all. Casting all your cares on Him, today’s new testament text in Matthew 7:7 stands as a reminder, “Ask, and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.”
Whatever it is you need today, be it strength, grace, endurance, faith, may you receive in Jesus name.
Kerone Lamoth