Wednesday Reflection, July 28, 2021
Wednesday Reflection, July 28, 2021
In God’s Hands
Good day friends, today’s reflection takes us back to Job’s response to his critics. His friends who heard of his demise and went to visit him, to mourn with him and to comfort him.
The latter verses of Job chapter 2 tell us of the three friend’s reaction after the saw their beloved friend. They did not recognize him, they cried out in agony, tore their robes and sprinkled dust on their heads. They sat with Job on the ground for seven days and nights and no one spoke a word having understood the magnitude of grief.
Chapters 4-42 records discourses between Job and his friends who accused him of being sinful and encouraged him to repent then Job and Elihu who contradicts the three friends and Job as well as proclaimed God’s goodness and majesty , Job and the Lord dialogued too until the book ends with Job’s repentance and restoration.
In today’s watchword, Job 12: 10, “In God’s hand is the life of every living thing” this verse was part of Job’s response to his critics. He aptly used this metaphor to convey the image of strength and power. Job, I believe wanted his friends and us to recognize and understand that God’s power and strength doesn’t wane simply because we are called to endure periods of affliction.
There will always be critics, nay sayers, abusers and accusers but whose report will you believe? In today’s New Testament text, we are reminded by the apostle in Acts chapter 17:28 that it is, “In him we live and move and have our being.”
Brothers and sisters, the Lord has engraven you in the palm of His hands. Keep your eyes on Him, believe and trust in Him so when the winds and billows of this life roll you will rest assured in and of God’s providence.
In closing, Eleanor Brownn said, “like all living things, you were created for unlimited growth and possibilities. Keep growing. Keep changing. Be everything you were meant to be.
-Kerone Lamoth