Wednesday Reflection, July 15, 2020 God Establishes His Plans!
Wednesday Reflection, July 15, 2020
God Establishes His Plans!
Good day friends. I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I trust you are well.
In regards to making decisions and plans I tend to be an overthinker. I try as best to work things out in my head before the actual execution. This sometimes works; other times it does not.
What about you? Do you overthink, like to plan ahead, rationalize and attempt to reason everything out? Have you been able to follow through with the resolutions you made as you rang in the new year?
The bible records many examples of those who planned. Whether they planned to go into battle against an enemy, planned to serve the Lord, planned for family, marriage, spiritual growth or for travel. All their examples are recorded for our benefit.
Making plans comes naturally to us as a people. It is important that we plan with wisdom and responsibility. Understanding that man of himself cannot guarantee or ensure anything actually will come to pass.
In today’s watchword, the words of wise king Solomon reminds us that, “the human mind may devise many plans, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will be established. ” proverbs 19:21
Brothers and sisters, whilst you and I are planning, the enemy of our souls is also planning but be encouraged for the Lord our God, has already planned!
1 Peter 4:7-8 encourages us thus, “therefore be serious and discipline yourselves for the sake of your prayers. Above all, maintain constant love for one another.
As you seek to go about your daily tasks and make plans for the future, I pray that all your plans will be aligned to the will and purpose for which God has called you.