Wednesday Reflection, August 12, 2020

Wednesday Reflection, August 12, 2020

Greetings friends, today’s reflection draws our attention to 1 Kings 8. In this chapter we see the leadership, wisdom and obedience of King Solomon on display. The chapter has 66 verses. Solomon prays a prayer of dedication from verses 22-61. One I encourage you to read on your own.

You see friends, prayer isn’t just something that we do. It ought to be how we act, how we think, how we live because our lives of a truth must offer adoration to God, daily we are called to confess our sins, to give thanks unto the Almighty and to seek Him earnestly.

So the Ark was brought into the temple and it would appear this chapter details the very first dedication ceremony. Solomon was mindful of the promises the Lord made to his father David. He understood that one has to be responsible upon receiving gifts. He had a duty to perform and it was not to be taken lightly.

Brothers and sisters, what gifts have we received? What promises have others received concerning us? Nothing in this life goes according to our plans or our ways yet man religiously seeks his own way. Can we truly say that like Solomon in 1 Kings 8 that we have been faithful to our calling? That we have been responsible in carrying out our duties? One may ask what duties and what responsibility not recognizing that it is the duty and responsibility of every Christian to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, to pray for others, to give to the church, to share with others and to express love without conditions.

These things are more easily said than done which is why in today’s watchword, Solomon prayed, “let your eyes be open to the plea of your servant, and to the plea of your people Israel, listening to them whenever they call to you. 1 Kings 8:52. God is our constant source and guide, it is through prayer that we become plugged in and remain connected to the source.

May we ever be vigilant, praying without ceasing, assured that whatever things we ask in God’s name, He will do it.


Kerone Lamoth