Tuesday Reflection – September 01, 2020 Jehovah-Nissi
Tuesday Reflection – September 01, 2020
In Genesis 17 we read of Joshua leading the Israelites in battle against the Amalekites. While the battle raged, Moses stood on a hill overlooking and praying with the staff of God held high. When his hands became tired and began to lower, the Israelite army began to lose so Moses sat on a stone and Aaron and Hur held his hands up. After the victory of Israel, Moses built an altar and called it Jehovah-Nissi, The Lord is my banner. Through today’s watchword let us explore the importance of the Lord as a banner to the world. On that day the root of Jesse shall stand as a signal to the peoples. Isaiah 11: 10. The word translated signal in the text, is also translated ensign and banner in other translations.
It is believed that this prophecy of Isaiah 11: 10 was partially fulfilled in the lifetime of King Hezekiah who we read about in 2 Kings 18. He restored the Jewish religion, rebelled against the oppressive Assyrians and recaptured territories taken by the Philistines. His reform became a banner of encouragement and hope to many Jews who had been living in other lands and they returned home. As Christians we know that the complete fulfilment of this prophecy took place in the life of Jesus our Lord, described both as the root and the offspring (branch) of David in Rev 22: 16 I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star. Jesse was the father of David who was an ancestor of Jesus. As the divine, he was the root, the one from whom all things flowed. John 1: 3 reminds us that nothing was created without Christ. As a human being he was the descendant or branch of the family tree of Jesse. A banner or ensign is a signal, a rallying point, a symbol of unity. Jesus as a banner, signal or ensign, becomes that which unites us together under God. At a time when many are uniting under flags of social justice, at a time when many are uniting under flags of racial divide, at a time when many are uniting under flags of political affiliation, at a time when many are competing scientifically to be world leaders, this serves as a timely reminder that God’s children ought to be one under the banner of Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free—and have all been made to drink [a]into one Spirit. 1 Cor 12: 13.
May today’s watchword therefore caution us: to be Christians first, before being anything else; to cautiously weigh the consequences of our words and actions before we speak and act; and, to let Christ be seen and experienced through us in all our daily encounters, even in politics and the fight for social justice. Only when the banner of Christ is held high, is esteemed above all else, will there be true and lasting change in our world. Finally friends, let us remember, we all have a part to play. Some are engaged in the physical battle against evil, other battle spiritually through prayer and still others give physical, moral and other support to those who are battling. None of us can be deadbeats. There is work for all to do. Jesus Christ is our Jehovah-Nissi. The banner has been lifted up. The rallying cry has gone out. Let us march forth under the banner of our Lord for only then can we be the changers and movers that Christ calls us to be. Remember we are in the world but not of the world and as such we ought to be different as we encourage godliness in all around us. Indeed this is how we draw people to God while we prepare the world for our Savior’s return. Amen.
Bevon White