Tuesday Reflection- October 13,2020.
A God Who Journeys With Us
The design of the first temple in Jerusalem was given to Solomon, who would build it, by his father David. David had designed the temple based on the guidance of the Holy Spirit and as he now gave the task of building to Solomon, he encourages him not to lose heart or become faint in the task. God would be with him to the very end. 1 Chronicles 28: 20 is the watchword for today. David said to Solomon, “The Lord God will not fail you or forsake you, until all the work for the service of the house of the Lord is finished.” Regardless of the obstacles and opposition that Solomon would face in this task, of one thing he would be sure without the shadow of a doubt, God would be with him to the very end of his journey. God would see him through.
How could David be so sure that God would be with his son Solomon? A reading of the entire verse will help us to understand that. And David said to his son Solomon, “Be strong and of good courage, and do it; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord God—my God—will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you, until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord. What David was giving to Solomon was what he had, what he was assuring him of was what he had been assured of all his life. It was the presence of God. Whenever we left home as children and even after growing up and living on our own, my dad would always respond to our goodbyes with the same statement. “God go with you cause mi naah come”. What he was saying to us in actuality was ‘I am praying that God will accompany you since I am unable to’. That gave him the satisfaction of knowing that even away from his presence we would be ok. Away from his watching eyes we would be safe and away from his providing care we would be kept satisfied because we would be in God’s care and presence. He knew that even though he would not be there with us, he would not need to worry because God would journey with us and see us through.
Today I encourage us to know that we serve a God who surrounds us, protects and provides for us and guides us along the right path. In the midst of the uncertainties of life we have one certainty to cling to and it is that God will see us through. In the midst of political uncertainties, God will be with us. He will see us through financial uncertainties. He will see us through health uncertainties. He will see us through job uncertainties. He will see us through all the uncertainties of life for He has promised to journey with us to the very end. Regardless of what you are facing I can speak with certainty that my God will be with you and will see you through for as the saying goes, God is not blind to your tears neither is he deaf to your prayers. Indeed, God sees and hears and God will deliver. In the midst of sickness and disease which is rampant in our world, God is with us. In the midst of disasters all around, God is with us. In our personal pains and challenges, we are never alone, for God is with us. A second saying I would quote is this, ‘those who leave everything in God’s hands, will eventually see God’s hand in everything’. Friends we will struggle in this life. We will meet obstacles and opposition but as long as we keep trusting in God, we will make it, for God will see us through. Solomon walked with God and completed the temple, was blessed by God and is remembered as a great and wise king of Israel and Judah. When we walk with God and trust His ways, He will direct our path and lead us to accomplish much for His sake. I say to us today therefore, trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and God will direct your path. Indeed, God walks with you will see you through. Amen.