Tuesday Reflection- November 30, 2021
My Times are In God’s Hands.
In times of distress, it is good to know that we can call on the Lord for help and have the confidence that God will orchestrate events to make things better for us. Such was the confidence of David having been pursued by King Saul and seeing God’s hand at work in his deliverance, and later ascension to the throne of Israel. Psalm 31 is a Psalm of David, believed to have been written as his response to God’s saving him from Saul. Today’s Watchword is verse 15: My times are in your hand.
David was in a desperate situation. Hunted by Saul and his army, abandoned by his friends, desperate, hungry, and out in the cold. From David we learn that when the ones you love and depend on forget, fail, and forsake you, the Lord will remain faithful. David committed his life to God’s hands in verse 5 of the Psalm. Into your hands I commit my spirit; deliver me, Lord, my faithful God. Having done that he settled his mind to the fact that nothing that took place in his life would be outside of God’s will and way. When we commit our spirit to God’s care, then nothing that comes at us will be able to destroy our faith. Rather we will see all the troubles and trials that come our way as having already been taken care of by God.
When out times are in God’s hands, it means we have relinquished control of our lives and given it over to God. This gives us the confidence to face anything that comes our way for we know that Jesus to whom we have given charge of our lives will be able to guard and protect us. He will protect us from famine, from danger, from disease and from death. Such was the confidence of David and it was also the confidence of Paul in 2 Tim 1: 12 for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day. I pray that we too may exercise that same confidence in God’s promises and ability to care for those who have committed themselves to Him. In the face of adverse situations let us remember whose we are. Indeed, out times are in God’s hands. Amen.