Tuesday Reflection November 2, 2021
Christ Our Everlasting Light
While Isaiah 59 speaks of impending darkness and gloom, chapter 60 begins with a call to arise as the light had come and God’s glory had risen upon them. While darkness represents war, doom and gloom, death and defeat, light spoke of peace, new life, hope and a brighter future. Today’s watchword from Isaiah 60: 20 speaks of this newfound hope that comes when the Lord brings about change and renewal among His people. Your sun shall no more go down, or your moon withdraw itself; for the Lord will be your everlasting light.
The prophet Isaiah prophesies of the darkness that will overtake the city of Jerusalem. This will impact every area of life in the city. Isaiah shares a prophecy however of a coming sun that will repel and permanently displace the darkness. The same would happen with the moon. The idea is that the darkness would be gone to return no more. How can this be possible you may be asking yourself? How can there be a sun that shines forever? Isaiah does not mean the sun or the moon the shines from the sky during the day and at night. Not those celestial bodies. What the prophet speaks to is the one who would come as the light of the world. While Jesus ministered on the earth, he declared himself to be light. I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. John 8: 12. Jesus was not just any light, but the light of the world. God’s light, given to guide His people back to himself. At another time John 9: 5 Jesus said: When I am in the world, I am the Light of the World. The presence of Jesus in the world is therefore the presence of light, both in the world around us and in our lives. In these days of dark uncertainty, it is good to be reassured of the light of God that is present in our lives.
There’s more, however. This prophecy is quite similar to the vision of John in Revelation 21 where he describes the New Jerusalem that comes down from heaven. In this new city, there would be no need for the sun nor for the moon and the stars. In verse 23 John says: The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. The light that Jesus brings into the world and into our lives now is but a foretaste of what is ahead. Indeed, the Lord will be the everlasting light for all the world and His people will be blessed in His radiant glorious presence day and night. We can live in the sinful and oppressive darkness of the world today knowing that it will not overtake us as long as Jesus remains the light in our lives and knowing that there is coming a time when Jesus will establish His glorious kingdom and be the light shining in it. He will indeed be our everlasting light. Amen.