Tuesday Reflection -November 16,2021
Are You Listening?
According to Paul Treuer, “Hearing is simply the act of perceiving sound by the ear. If you are not hearing-impaired, hearing simply happens. Listening, however, is something you consciously choose to do. Listening requires concentration so that your brain processes meaning from words and sentences. Listening leads to learning.” Today’s watchword is from 1 Samuel 3: 9.
Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.
The boy Samuel was in training in the temple service under the leadership of the High Priest Eli. As he slept one night, God called him. He heard the call but thought that Eli was the one calling him. This happened three times before Eli realized that the Lord was the one calling Samuel. Dear friends, we always hear but we do not always listen. For this reason, it is possible for us to miss the call of God in our lives. God however has provided persons along our path with a spirit of discernment who will be able to direct us to listen for the call that they can already see that God has placed on our lives. Something else to note, no matter how many persons discern your call, until you hear God’s voice for yourself, you will never give effective service. I thank God for the many persons who have confirmed my call along my journey. I am grateful for their discernment, direction, and encouragement. Samuel was not listening, but Eli was discerning. Sometimes in the absence of listeners we must depend on the discerners of the Lord’s wisdom and direction for us. Discerners are also great listeners. Are you an Eli who discerns? Are you a Samuel who listens? Are you listening?
Eli’s instruction to Samuel is clear. Go back and lie down and if he calls again say; ‘speak, Lord, your servant is listening’. Once Eli realized what was happening and shared with Samuel what he should do, it was left to the youngster to do what was necessary to answer God’s call on his life. He had to listen for God’s call. I imagine Samuel lying in bed, heart pounding, not daring to fall asleep because he did not want to miss the next call. Effective listening has to be intentional. Effective listening is intentional listening. You are not just listening for the sake of listening, but you are listening for the voice, the command, the instructions from God. It is through this intentional listening that we learn, that we discern and that we are called into the service of our Lord. In the doctrinal text we are introduced to Lydia who listened eagerly as Paul ministered in Philippi. Following her listening she became a partner in their ministry in that city. Are you listening? Have you heard him call your name? Have you received your mandate to service? Are you listening? Amen.