Tuesday Reflection- January 19, 2021
Comfort for Those Who Mourn
When we think that as of this moment over two million people worldwide have died from COVID-19, and when we realize that deaths from other conditions such as cancer and heart disease have far surpassed the number of COVID deaths, we realize that the world is indeed in mourning. This realization makes relevant, today’s watchword from Isaiah 61. Here the prophet declares the anointing of God’s spirit upon Him as he carried out a ministry of healing and reconciliation. While he and others who were so anointed would have been only partially able to fulfill this mandate, Isaiah was also pointing to God’s anointed one, Jesus, who alone would completely fulfill this prophecy. Today’s Watchword is part of the first two verses of Isaiah 61: “The Lord has sent me to comfort all who mourn.”
While the prophecy of Isaiah offered hope to Judah in a time of crisis, it also speaks clearly to us today as we too face crisis. It tells us that in all that we are going through, we are not alone. The Savior, our Lord, is with us, offering comfort to those who are in mourning. Death has a way of invading our lives at the least expected and most unprepared for moments. We lose those we love and are left with an emptiness that we know will never be filled. We are however comforted by the presence, care and kindness of our loved ones. Indeed, the community gets the opportunity to extend God’s comfort through our actions as we journey with those who mourn. At the same time, those who mourn are assured that they are never alone. Our Lord has promised his presence in times of mourning. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. John 14: 18. The presence of the Holy Spirit offers us the comfort we need as we face the many situations in life that makes us weep and mourn. In John 14: 26 Jesus describes the Holy Spirit as ‘The Comforter’ sent by God to be with us. This is Immanuel, the assurance of God with us.
There is however another dimension to today’s text. There is a stronger aspect of the saving grace of God at work through this anointing. Jesus is anointed to offer us the relief we need when we come to terms with our sinful and fallen condition. Only the anointed can meet us in our brokenness and give us the comfort which we truly crave. The Holy Spirit sighs with us, grieves with us for our sinful brokenness, and bears us up as we mourn or lament. This lament which is due to our grief is a display penitence for our sinfulness and we are promised comfort, and forgiveness for such repentance. Psalm 34: 18 reminds us: The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Dear friends, Jesus offers comfort to all who mourn. Whether you mourn the loss of a loved one, or you have become broken and contrite as you seek reconciliation with God, I invite you to remember what Jesus promised in Matt 5: 4, today’s doctrinal text. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Amen.