Tuesday Reflection – February 15, 2022
Don’t Be A Fool
To be is fool is to be considered unwise, senseless or to lack judgment. Biblically, the fool is someone who disrespects, disobeys and disregards God’s words. One who is comfortable in their folly, that is, a fool, has no interest in the truth. In fact a fool will scorn, laugh at and turn away from truth. Such persons will not take kindly to the advice of others because in their own eyes, very often their eyes alone, they are all wise, have all the answers and can solve any problem that may arise. Fools are often so caught up in their own sense of knowledge and self-worth that they cannot believe in a wiser higher power than their own understanding. Thus the Watchword for today cautions us to not be fools and deny the existence of God. Fools say in their heart “There is no God”. Psalm 14: 1
Fools speak folly to themselves first, then to others. The text says that a ‘fool says in his heart’. In other words, this is how the foolish person thinks to himself or herself. He determines in his heart, that is, he convinces himself, regardless of the weakness of his rationale, begins to act the part (or to act the fool), then he sets out to convince others. Such behavior is not surprising. In Gen 6: 12 God looked upon the earth and saw that it was corrupt; for all living creatures on the earth had corrupted their ways. It is from corrupt hearts and minds that corrupt theories come. It is the corruption of the heart that leads to the follies of humanity. It is for this reason that we are implored: Don’t be a fool.
If we are not to be considered fools, then our words and actions must show wisdom. Wisdom is God’s gift to us. James 1: 5 encourages us: If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. We do not need wisdom as in head knowledge, but wisdom as in heart knowledge. Wisdom of the mind can be attained through the study of the many human disciplines, but wisdom of the heart, godly wisdom, is what God gives to us when we ask. Many travel a path of their own choosing, thinking it is the wisest choice available to them. They do this because they are living life on their own terms. Proverbs 16: 25 warns us: There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death. What we truly need is not our own way, but God’s way. Humanity’s way is the way of irrationality, the way of pride, the way of selfishness, but God’s way is the way of wisdom, the way of insight, the way of knowledge and understanding. In every step of our life journey, may we choose God’s way above ours, for ‘man’s way lead to a hopeless end while God’s way lead to an endless hope’. Don’t be a fool my friend. Amen.