Thursday Reflection October 15, 2020 Faithful prayer produces fruit
Thursday Reflection
October 15, 2020
Faithful prayer produces fruit
Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God. Mark 11:22
Today we will be reflecting on the lesson from the withered fig tree.
Jesus became hungry on his way from Bethany and he noticed a fig tree full of leaves so he thought he would be able to get some of it’s fruit. Fig trees normally have leaves only when it is in season. When Jesus got to the tree and searched the leaves he realized there was no fruit. Feeling deceived , he cursed the fig tree and it died the very next day. The disciples were shocked that the tree had withered and they surprisingly said “Rabbi the tree you cursed has withered” and he answered and said “have faith in God.”
According to Matthew Henry, God didn’t curse this tree to make an example for the other fig trees but for the Jewish church, to which he came seeking fruit but found none. It also goes to show that everyone who rejects Christ will also wither. A lot of us can be compared to the fig tree, full of leaves but we produce no fruit. We pretend to be righteous, to be pure but beneath all that is pure deception. So we all need to ask ourselves, do we act as if our trees have fruit but have none to show ? If God should inspect our trees would he find fruit?
He urged his disciples to have faith in God because the withering of the tree was not of his own will but because he prayed, trusted and had faith in God. He made it known that once you pray and believe that God can do it it will be done .
Similarly, it is through prayer and having faith in God that we produce the fruit that is required in season and out of season. So no matter which season God comes He’ll find us bearing fruit.
So I implore you all to not be fruitless trees but to strive to produce fruits for Christ through prayer and faith in the Lord.
Toni-Ann Poyser