Thursday Reflection, December 9, 2021
Thursday Reflection, December 9, 2021
Patiently wait for the Lord’s return
Be like those who are waiting for their master to return from the wedding banquet, so that they may open the door for him as soon as he comes and knocks. Luke 12:36
Greeting friends,
Not many of us like waiting in long lines in the bank or waiting over an hour for our food to arrive at a restaurant. Not many of us like waiting for people that we expect, but there is no sign of them arriving. Waiting sometimes is not our best quality, but here in our text it is a feature we must develop and work on.
Jesus speaking to His disciples encouraged them to be as watchful servants waiting for their master’s return. When their master returns from the wedding banquet they will be there to open the door. Then the master will reward them. Jesus went on further to say, “Blessed is that slave whom his master will find at work when he arrives.”
Friends as we look at the text there are two point I want to make:
1) Patiently wait on the Lord’s return
Jesus is coming back and when He does it will be to separate the sheep from the goat, the wheat from the tares or simply put the good from the bad or those who have been faithful to him from those who haven’t. As stated earlier, sometimes patience is not our strongest feature, but here we are called to wait. We do not know when the Lord will return, but we must wait for it.
Now waiting doesn’t entail doing nothing. For if we are expecting someone to visit us we make preparations for that visit. If the house is to be cleaned, or sheets changed or food purchased we do so in preparation for that visitor. This brings me to my second point.
2) Work until Jesus’s return
Because we know Christ is coming back, we must make preparations for His return and that entails doing His work. As servants we do not do as we like. Instead we do what has been assigned to us by the master, in this case, Jesus. We prepare for His return by doing the work that has been assigned to us. So that when he returns unexpectedly He will find us doing the work that He gave us to do.
Friends, Jesus will return. I am confident of this. But when He will return, I have no clue. However, until He returns let us be patient and not get complacent. Let us prepare for His return by doing the work that has been assigned to us. So that when He return He will find us faithful and reward us accordingly.
Let us wait patiently for His return
Christopher Euphfa