Thursday Reflection December 16, 2021
Thursday Reflection December 16, 2021
Never Alone
And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20
Greeting friends,
Have you ever felt alone and sad? Have you ever felt abandoned, especially by someone you love and trust? What about overwhelmed with no indication of help? It’s easy to forget the presence of Jesus with us.
In St Matthew 28 the disciples were seeing Jesus face to face for the very final time. This is after his Resurrection and his appearance to the disciples. However, this will be the final time that they see him on earth. In Jesus’s charge to His disciples He encouraged them to go into all the world baptising in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He also charged them to teach the people what they have learnt from Jesus and reminded them that they are not alone.
Friends, despite the foreknowledge of what was to come which was Jesus’s return to be with His Father, I could just imagine how the disciples might have left or the thoughts that ran through their minds. Its probably the same thought Jesus had of them. “Here it is we had Jesus with us. Then He wasn’t with us. He then came back to us and now He’s going away. We’re going to be alone again.”
There are times that we go through situations in life and we for certain feel the presence of God in our lives. Without a doubt we know that God is there. We can testify, because we see His hand at work and we say, “God you good ehh” but then there are times we wonder where is Jesus. We no longer feel His presence and we definitely cannot see His hands at work. It is during these times that we feel alone, abandoned, neglected and even forgotten. It is during these times our thoughts run wild and we question even our own relationship with God.
Jesus was aware that these moments would occur for the disciples and by extension even for us. Hence, He said, “And remember…” In the times that we do not feel the presence of God or His hand at work, we are called to remember. Sometimes we forget or don’t even want to remember, but we must remember. We must call to mind.
What must we call to mind? That Jesus is with us even to the end of age. Hallelujah! Jesus is with us always! We’re never alone Even when we do not feel his presence or see His hand at work, He is still with us. Even when everyone around us has abandoned us and we’re left to our thoughts and our tears, Jesus is still with us. When life’s challenges are stacked against us and there seems to be no one to help, Jesus is still with you. Even when you’re dead and in the grave Jesus is still with you. He said to His disciples, “I am with you always, to the end of age.” Glory be to God.!
So friends, I charge us today to remember. Remember that you’re never alone, because Jesus is always with you.
Christopher Euphfa