Thursday Reflection August 26, 2021
Thursday Reflection August 26, 2021
Called out to work
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
1 Peter 2:9 NRSV
Peter wrote to the Jewish Christians scattered throughout Asia Minor possibly during the persecution of Emperor Nero to encourage Christians during their time of suffering. Towards the end of chapter 1 Peter reminded them that only God’s word remain forever, people are like grass and will fade away. Therefore, beginning chapter 2, he encouraged them to put away deceit, hypocrisy, jealousy and all kind of slander and seek spiritual milk.
Why should we do this? Because we belong to Christ who is the cornerstone of God’s temple. As the cornerstone he makes people stumble and cause them to fall because they do not obey God’s word. But those who belong to Christ are not like that; they do not stumble. They are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation and God’s very own people.
As God’s very own people Peter highlights what our goal is as part of God’s temple.
1.) Come out of darkness
As a minister of the Gospel there are certain expectations of me. I’m not expected to dress, talk, and behave in a manner that conflicts with who I am as a pastor. Likewise, as God’s chosen people there are certain expectations of us as Christians or part of God’s temple. Some of which was mentioned earlier in the chapter. Avoid deceit, hypocrisy, jealousy and slander. But Peter continues in verse 11 “keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls. In other words avoid temptation. When we carry out these requirements then we have come out of darkness.
2.) Show others the goodness of God
It has often been said, “seeing is believing” and a statement I couldn’t agree with more. We know that God is good because we’ve seen it and experienced it. In verse 9 the NRSV says proclaim the mighty acts and the NIV says declare, but the NLT and the KJV says show others his goodness or shew forth the praises of him who called you out of darkness. I like the word show, because its not just speaking out of one’s mouth. There is a sense of action that is accompanied with it. So show others the goodness of God.
How do you do that you might ask? The same way Jesus has treated you, treat others likewise. If Jesus has forgiven you, forgive others. If Jesus has showed you love even when you don’t deserve it, show others love even when they don’t deserve it. If Jesus has given up his all to help you, give up your all to help others. There is no better demonstration of God’s goodness than when you show it to others.
So Christians, we’re God’s very own people. Come out of darkness, and show others the goodness of God for we have been called out to work.
Christopher Euphfa