Saturday Reflection – 30 May 2020
Saturday Reflection – 30 May 2020
“For we are not peddlers of God’s word like so many; but in Christ we speak as persons of sincerity, as persons sent from God and standing in his presence.” 2 Corinthians 2:17
Tomorrow is Pentecost Sunday and is known in many circles as the birthday of the Church Universal. From that upper room experience, God having poured out of his spirit, upon the disciples there, they were now filled, united and empowered to fulfil the commission that was given to them by the Lord Jesus.
Our legitimacy and focus as a church has often been called into question, with calls from society for the church to cry out against moral turpitudes and other injustices and be the voice of reason, goodwill and the change in our society. In that light, we are reminded that we are made legitimate, true and sincere, with all power and authority by the empowering and leading of the Holy Spirit.
Paul, as he writes today’s doctrinal text, describes the presence of the true believer who is sent and engaging the Holy Spirit in ministry as that of an aroma that fills the atmosphere wherever they are. Paul in 2 Corinthians 2:14-16 (MSG) says “In the Messiah, in Christ, God leads us from place to place in one perpetual victory parade. Through us, he brings knowledge of Christ. Everywhere we go, people breathe in the exquisite fragrance. Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God, which is recognized by those on the way of salvation—an aroma redolent with life. But those on the way to destruction treat us more like the stench from a rotting corpse.” That friends, and is our legitimacy, and it only comes through the power of God, brought on by the Holy Spirit and Paul asks the question saying “This is a terrific responsibility. Is anyone competent to take it on?”
We who believe, have been commissioned and empowered to the spread the gospel-seed to just about anyone and everyone that we engage with and even then beyond our borders. It is not about us, but God’s power at work in our lives. Friends, we are unable to legitimize ourselves and no matter the passion or zeal, the wherewithal and exuberance that we display, if we are not lead by the Holy Spirit, it is for nought and in vain. Let us then lean on the Holy Spirit, to give us the power, to fall afresh, to transform us, and begin that good work, in our lives. Only then will we be legitimized and competent to take this mission on. For “God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the called.”
Brothers and sisters, Paul reminds us, the church, that we are not peddlers or vendors who are trying to sell a product to potential customers. But having understood and experience the grace and transforming work of God, who have now been called, commissioned and empowered, and fully understanding the weight of his calling, we go, under his leading and direction, to whatever door he will open for us, to tell somebody about the Lord Jesus that they too might believe. It is the Spirit of God who convicts the heart, we are just the vessel through which the message is shared and that is why it is important, that we are led and empowered by the Holy Spirit and also that we decrease, that self is slain, so that the Holy Spirit can increase and take over, and challenge their hearts. Even so, our labour in the vineyard, is led and empowered by God and to the glory of God.
Until next week, We, who rejoice to know Thee/Renew before Thy throne/The solemn pledge we owe Thee/To go and make Thee known. (F. Houghton, 1931) May this Pentecostal experience awaken in us a revival, that we will make our calling and election sure. May the Holy Spirit fill, unite and empower us that we may like a fragrance that is smelled and known by all, be the voice and the difference that by our sincerity and authority, others may be led into the kingdom of God. Amen.
Dominic J. Blair