Saturday Reflection – 20 November 2021
Saturday Reflection – 20 November 2021
“Do not be weary in doing what is right.” 2 Thessalonians 3:13
Ever since we’ve been growing up as children and later as young adults we’ve always heard, “Don’t give in to peer pressure!”, “Don’t forget the good values that you’ve been taught over the years.” And it is more or less, the same message that you, now as adults may find yourself, instilling in your own children, or the youth that you engage with on a regular basis. And because there are so many things in this world, that seek to undo all the good work, that we’ve been careful to observe, all our lives, that it becomes even more important to remind the current generation, not to forget or even to depart from the good Christian values that we are instructed to observe.
It is this same sentiment that is by shared by the Apostle Paul as he writes to the church in today’s doctrinal text. Having received the gospel, and accepted Christ as our personal Lord and Saviour, we have never been the same again. This renewal means that we have committed our lives to serving Christ; imitating His example and following His mandate in this world. But the same warning that is often given to children as they go out into the world, is the same one we must bear in mind, as we seek to be in the world, but not of the world. Our Lord will guard us from the evil one, and lead us, even as we are willing to follow His lead, into the way everlasting.
But we cannot allow ourselves to be led astray. The warning that Paul issues is against idleness and those neglecting the good values that have been instilled. Those on the fence, who will not stand for something, will fall for everything and as such is liable to be swayed by every wind of doctrine, every reason, or explanation that may want to come off as sound teaching and be led astray. And the other side, are those neglecting the good values, and we know from own experiences, the negative effects that are sure to happen, when children give in to peer pressure. There are some, the Apostle writes that that are idle or mere busybodies, wishing not to contribute to the advancement of society, the furtherance of the kingdom, not willing to work for their honest bread. Let us not be entangled by get rich quick schemes, or anything that seems to neglect, reject that which made us to be the good, hardworking, forward-thinking, motivated people that we have been taught and called to be. There is no room for on-the-fence living, corrupt, immoral, or unprincipled behaviour, or a lazy or busybodied attitude.
Our Christian life must be one of intention, purpose, and drive. We must strive to be like Christ, imitate and exemplify Christ’s example, living out Christ’s mandate in this world. We cannot allow ourselves to be shaken and uprooted from the well-planted, well-nourished, and stable foundation that has come from years of sound teaching, advice, and direction. No matter what we face in life, we made a commitment on the day we said “Yes” to the leading of the Holy Spirit, that we would love and serve Christ forever. In fact, in one of my favourite songs, we say “And should eternity end, and start all over again, Even then, I will praise you Lord.” There will always come a time, when our motives, our intentions, our loyalty, and attitudes are tested. It will not always be in the same way, for some the little things, others a big thing, but our resolve will be tested. Let us not for fear or favour, love nor money, deny, reject, or turn away from the Lord our God. Let us never be weary, or tired, thinking that it is no longer fashionable, sound advice, nor that it no longer profits us, to do good. All that we’ve been taught, and observed, when push comes to shove, when it really matters, when others are looking or we’ve all alone with God, let us stand for Jesus, and the good thing is, when we stand for Him, we’ll never stand alone. The thing is, sometimes we may feel that the older we become, that we no longer need to hear this warning, because we know ourselves and cannot be coerced or influenced against our beliefs. But the Apostle Paul encourages us all, in whatever age or stage we find ourselves in, to stand guard and not be influenced against the Lord Jesus Christ, to never grow weary of doing good, whether in word or by action.
Until next week, may Christ empower us to remain committed to Him, that in word or deed, we would always give honour to God, and never disgrace the name that we bear. Then may we stand honourable, resolute, and diligent in this life, that we may hear the words of our Lord Jesus on that day “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Amen.
Dominic J. Blair