November 13, 2020
November 13, 2020
The Holy Spirit is for all who believe
For the promise is for you, for your children, and for all who are far away, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to him.”
Acts 2:39 NRSV
Our text for reflection today brings us to the popular Acts 2 passage that speaks to the coming of the Holy Spirit. We should be acquainted with this story. The Holy Spirit came down as tongues of fire and fell on the disciples who were gathered on the day of Pentecost.
Those who were there heard the disciples speaking in their own native language. Some thought the disciples were drunk early in the morning. It is at this juncture Peter gives an account of Jesus, beginning with the prophecy from Joel highlighting the pouring out of the Spirit of God in the last days.
This prophecy is crucial to the comment made by Peter in verse 39, for this is the promise that he speaks of. The Promise of God’s Spirit being poured out on his people. It is a promise that is entitled to everyone who repent of their sins, turn to God and is baptised for the remission of their sins. It is a promise for you, for your children and your children’s children. It is a promise for those who are near and those who are far. It is a promise that God honours to those who love Him.
What is this promise of the Holy Spirit? The promise of the Holy Spirit is God’s direct contact with us and with everyone. It’s the manifestation of his powers through us. There is no longer a clear division between us and God. We can directly go to God- whoever repents of their sins, gets baptised and accept Jesus Christ . The Holy Spirit now allows everyone including the servant, who is not thought much of, to receive the gifts given by the Holy Spirit. Gifts of prophesy, dreams, wonders in heaven and signs on earth. This gift is for all who believe.
So receive the promise of the Holy Spirit. It’s for all people and generations who repent of sins, turn to God and are baptised for the remission of sins. God’s power is in you!
Until next week use the power of the Holy Spirit within you
Christopher Euphfa