Monday Reflection – October 11, 2021

by Shantavia Fullwood

Monday Reflection – October 11, 2021

Last Saturday, October 09, 2021 marked four years since I responded to the Holy Spirit’s prompting and began Monday Reflection. I give God thanks for His enduring presence, guidance and inspiration. A BIG shout out to Sisters Shaneka Raymore Euphfa and Kerome Lamoth, and Brothers Bevon White, Christopher Euphfa and Dominic Blair who joined at different times on this journey. Hitherto hath the Lord helped us! As is customary, I celebrate God’s goodness by using a Reflection that I did before. Today I renew the reflection done on Wednesday, October 17, 2018 in the midst of a world that has changed so much, especially since the onset of Covid-19.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8

Change is the only constancy in this physical world. Whatever is not changing remains static and is likely to get stagnant and stink. We live in an ever-changing world with so much developments taking place by the second. The advent of technology has resulted in significant changes that occur almost at the wink of an eye. Technology has resulted in faster and greater productivity and has flung wide open the avenues and opportunities of communication. Some people are afraid of change and feel vulnerable to its possible effects.

Yet, I believe that change is not bad. Change allows for a new perspective, new knowledge and insights, a new outlook that is likely to produce growth in our lives. The reality is that for growth to take place there must be change – a movement from one dimension to the next in a northerly direction. Change also forces us to recognize that nothing in this life is permanent, and some things lose their value overtime. So many things have given way to more advanced developments.

In the midst of all the changes of life, today’s New Testament text declares, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” This highlights the reality that Jesus is unchangeable. The writer was addressing a people faced with trials, persecutions, trouble and pain. The writer is encouraging them to persevere by showing that their Saviour was always the same. He who had sustained his people in former times, was the same still, and would be the same forever. This is about the immutability of the Redeemer. If he were fickle, vacillating and changing in his character and plans; if today he aids his people, and tomorrow will forsake them; if he formed a plan yesterday which he has abandoned today; or if he is ever to be a different being from what he is now, there would be no encouragement or effort to serve Christ and press on. Who would know what to depend on? Who would know what to expect tomorrow? For who could have any certainty that he could ever please a being who changes his mind every minute?  Who could know how to shape his conduct if the divine principles were not always the same

The writer is also affirming in this text the divinity of Jesus.  Jesus is changeless – sameness in the past, the present, and for all eternity. In the midst of a changing world is a changeless God. His nature, qualities, attributes and characteristics remain intact forever. This is the very reason why we can trust him because he remains faithful, loving, compassionate, merciful, long suffering, tender hearted, forgiving, just, holy and true. What ought to be our response to this immutable God? I join Tate and Brady in song:

Through all the changing scenes of life
In trouble and in joy,
The praises of my God shall still
My heart and tongue employ.

Till next week, let’s trust our immutable God

Jermaine Gibson