Monday Reflection-February 05, 2018

You shall meditate on the book of the law day and night, so that you may be careful to act in accordance with all that is written in it. Joshua 1:8
In today’s Watchword, God gave Joshua strict instructions as the new leader of Israel. Let’s listen in to this word from God to Joshua, as also to us:
Keep my word in your mouth: Read the book of the law, frequently repeat it, and speak of it. This is to refresh his own memory with it, and the memory of those he now leads. The word of God was to be at the centre and heart of what they do. Joshua was to ensure that God’s word was at the tip of his tongue, the words he spoke were to be guided by the word, and God’s law was to be referenced in all circumstances. The text forces us to ask: What’s the place of God’s word in our hearts and lives? How does God’s word impact what we say?
Meditate on my word: Not only was Joshua to read and repeat God’s word, but he was required to meditate on it. According to Wikipedia, “The English meditation means to think, contemplate, devise, ponder”. Meditation therefore requires focused attention and deliberately setting apart one’s self. Joshua was not just to meditate, but do so day and night. He was to be deliberate, purposeful and consistent in relation to time in the word of God. We must ask, are we spending deliberate, purposeful, consistent and contemplative time with and in God’s word?
Follow my entire word: To read and meditate on his word is not sufficient for God, Joshua was also to follow it. If we only read and meditate then we are like the man one who looks at his face in a mirror and walks away and immediately forgets what he look like. (James 1:23-24). Matthew Henry puts it this way, “Joshua is to make the law of God his rule. Joshua must himself be under command; no man’s dignity or dominion sets him above the law of God.” Following God’s word requires that we be focused and comprehensive. We are required to ask ourselves, are we following God’s word comprehensively?
Here today’s Doctrinal text: Blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it! Luke 11:28b
May we forcefully face ourselves and frankly raise these questions and provide honest answers. May we then seek God anew and allow his Holy Spirit to lead us aright so that we will be faithful to God’s word.
Till next week, let’s eat God’s word and experience its inevitable transformation.
Jermaine Gibson