Monday Reflection – December 07, 2020
Monday Reflection – December 07, 2020
Reflecting the True Light
Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. Daniel 12:3
Daniel 12 begins on a sad note as there is the declaration of a future time of trouble for Israel. This is not just any trouble, but verse one notes that it will be one that has never been seen since Israel was established. The Jewish people knew many a time of trouble throughout their history; however, this will be worse. This refers to the time of persecution for Israel and world calamity known as the Great Tribulation. Jesus quoted this passage in Matthew 24:21. In Daniel 12:1, Michael shall stand up, the great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people. The angel Michael is often associated with spiritual battle (Daniel 10:13, 21; Jude 1:9; Revelation 12:7). Michael is called the archangel, thus Satan’s true opposite. Michael is the spiritual warrior whom God has appointed as a spiritual guardian over Israel. So a spiritual battle is taking place.
Despite the terrors of that time, deliverance is assured. No matter how great the attack is against the Jewish people, God promises to preserve them, maintaining His covenantal promise to Abraham. This promise of deliverance is for these who are found written in the book. There is also the promise of the resurrection of the dead – some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
In today’s Watchword, we find another promise for the righteous – Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. Those who live in God’s wisdom will shine. Despite the entire calamity and all the difficulty coming upon Israel, God has those who are wise, and they shall shine. The wise among God’s people are those who turn many to righteousness. All God’s people are like stars, in the sense that they radiate light and help others to see and find their way. But those who turn many to righteousness shine even more brightly, helping even more people to see the light and find their way. Note that the brightness of God’s wise ones will last forever. It isn’t fading. It endures in the midst of so many other temporary things. We put our effort into so many other things, but even if they succeed, they give only a temporary shine. It is worth it to invest our lives into the things that last forever and ever.
As we have entered into this Advent Season and Christmas is fast approaching, putting up Christmas trees with lights have and will still take place in many homes, businesses, parks and shopping malls. Many have also put up their Moravian stars. All these are offering light. However, we must remind ourselves as believers that we are called to be the light – exhibiting wisdom and leading many to righteous living. In this way we shine like the brightness of the sky and like the stars. We also remind ourselves that we are not the true light, Jesus is. We are called to reflect the light in our corners of this dark world with people facing many and varied dark situations, acknowledging that Jesus is the light of the world. Amen.
Jermaine Gibson