Monday Reflection – August 30, 2021 Why? For what Reason?
Monday Reflection – August 30, 2021
Why? For what Reason?
Woe to those who go to great depths to hide their plans from the Lord, who do their work in darkness and think, “Who sees us? Who will know?” Isaiah 29:15
As I read today’s Watchword, I could hear the question ‘why’ sounding loudly in my ears. Infact, the text begs a number of ‘whys’. Why do people go to great depths to hide? Why would someone want to hide from God? And the list goes on. But even as I ask why, I can hear psychiatrist, Professor Wendel Abel saying to me, “Jermaine, why is not a good question to ask especially in a counselling session. Why puts people in a defensive mode. You should ask instead, what are the reasons for your action/feeling etc.?”
The text beckons us to ask, what are the reasons for one to hide their plans from God? For what reasons do people work in the dark, under the shadow, in hiding? Clearly, there must be something that we do not want another to see. Or something that would result in serious consequences if others were to see or know. Infact, the text implies a serious level of hypocrisy on the part of persons who not just hide, but go to great depths to hide. When we have to hide like this, we live a lie and what we say and who we are is a sham, a façade, a fake. We project ourselves as one thing, but the real us is another.
Another dimension of this hiding and acting under the covers has to do with our motives or even ill motives. This is where one’s actions sometimes have to be brought under the microscope. We may pretend to be doing good, but our real motives are not for the good of others. No matter how great, wonderful and commendable our actions are, if they are not driven by righteous and godly motives, it is all in vain. Whenever we have ulterior motives, we need a heart check. In the context of this text, the prophet offers some stinging criticism of the people of God. He says in verse 13 that they draw near to God with their mouths and honour Him with their lips, but have removed their hearts far from Him. The people knew how to talk the spiritual talk, but their hearts were far from God. In other words, only mouth talk, no heart connection.
Today’s text says that the people hide and then think, “Who sees us? Who will know?” In their false wisdom, the proud people of Jerusalem thought they could hide their thoughts and their deeds from the Lord. We must not forget that Adam and Eve planned a hide out from God, but to no avail. Solomon reminds us in Proverbs 15:3, “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.” Paul affirms this truth in today’s New Testament text, “Everything exposed by the light becomes visible.” Ephesians 5:13 We can hide from man, but not from God.
As we strive to live for God, let us be true to God, ourselves and to others. As we think and make decisions to act, let us ask ourselves, “For what reason(s) am I going to say or do this?” If those reasons are not for God’s glory and the edification of others, let’s stop and reverse. We glorify God when our lives are committed to the wellbeing of others, and helping each other to fulfil God’s purpose and become our best.
Jermaine Gibson