*Friday Reflection* *May 15, 2020*

*Friday Reflection*
*May 15, 2020*

*Eternal life is STILL promised*

*Therefore we do not lose heart*. *Though outwardly we are wasting away,* *yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.*
2 Corinthians 4:16 NIV

Today’s text for reflection is not the one I am using, why? because the above text has been laid on my heart . We are almost half way through what is deemed a ‘difficult and challenging’ year. However, I want to remind us today that the word of God never change. His promises are sure and will come to past. He never fails…..

*Time is going by fast, and we worry that we don’t have enough time to live out our purpose especially during this time of pandemic.* Our bodies are prone to this terrible virus as well as we are aging and becoming less and less youthful. *Today the scripture is reminding us that there is renewed hope every single day.* Though time seem to be running out as we face these challenging times in our moral bodies, inwardly, we are being renewed day by day.

*Why are we being renewed day by day?* The answer to that my friend is that we are still promised eternal life.These days, not many people talk about the *second coming* of Jesus Christ. It’s almost as if we have forgotten all about it!

*The focus these days seem to be* : long life, prosperity, religion and theology. All in the name of Christianity.
Brother’s and sisters, with that said , today I just want to remind us that *eternal life is STILL promised*. There is only one way we can enter into this promise, *through the renewing of our hearts and minds( our inner man)*. Eating healthy is good, chasing your dreams is even better, defending your faith is great and having a good understanding of scriptures is fantastic. However, *do not forget that the mortal man will perish, but the inner man will reap the reward of eternal life*.

Therefore, do not lose heart, though the mortal body is not able to withstand the test if time. *God is renewing the inner man day by day* , *preparing you for the enteral promise.*

Until next week, *forget about the things that are not contributing to your spiritual growth, forget about the Corona Virus and focus on the things that will get your heart and soul at the place where God wants them to be.*

Shaneka Raymore-Euphfa