Friday Reflection* *March 20, 2020*

*Friday Reflection*
*March 20, 2020*

*Confidence in God*

For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble; he will conceal me under the cover of his tent; he will set me high on a rock.
Psalms 27:5 NRSV

Good morning friends, happy Friday!

*”You don’t need self-confidence, all you need is God- confidence” unknown.*

Today’s text for reflection is said to be a psalm written by David. It is described as *A Triumphant Song of Confidence*. David had great confidence in God, listen to the words he used to illustrate that confidence:

1. *For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble*: There was no if, nor but, nor maybe. David was *sure* that God is capable and ready to hide him and provide a shelter for him in times of trouble. *We too should illustrate such confidence in God.* He has not changed, same God yesterday, today and forever! Today I encourage us as we are faced with difficult and challenging times… We need to have *confidence in God* that he will hide us under his cover at a time when COVID- 19 is rampant. God is still able to keep us from contracting this disease.

I urge us though, *do not confuse fear with wisdom, confidence in God requires wisdom.* We cannot say we are so confident in God and as such we put ourselves in trouble and then ask God to shelter us. It doesn’t work that way. God requires us to act with wisdom and trust him at the same time.

2. *He will conceal me under the cover of his tent*.
If David was a Jamaican he would have said *” Em ago lack mi tight unda di cova a Em tent!”*
God doesn’t leave his children hanging! David knows this, he would have had many experiences where God covered him and shield him from trouble. *This is why David is so confident in God; he would have had many experiences.* I can safely say we have had many experiences of God’s ability to take us out of troubling situations. *This experience should build our confidence in God* and allow us to declare him to others.

Untill next week , have confidence in God , he has the ability to provide, protect, shelter and cover! Do not lose confidence in his abilities, he has done it before and he will do it again. *Stay safe, stay hidden, stay covered; God got you*

Shaneka Raymore-Euphfa