Friday Reflection June 26, 2020

Friday Reflection

June 26, 2020

Do the will of God and LIVE forever

The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.
1 John 2:17 NIV

Background: 1 John 2:15–17 is a warning from John about un-Christian attitudes. Other portions of this chapter discuss how behavior provides evidence of fellowship with God. Here, John explains that thoughts and desires do the same thing. Since these are temptations, it is possible for a true Christian to stumble into them. However, habitually displaying these is a cause for concern Loving “the world” is defined here as physical lusts, lusts in one’s thoughts, and arrogant pride.

Application: In the text ,John notes that this world is temporary. The world is temporary for each person, since every person dies a physical death on earth. As a result, the desires of this world are also temporary. Believers are to resist evil desires, following the example of Jesus and not engage in certain practices that displeases the Lord our God.

Further in the verse, John mentions the “will of God.” This phrase has a rich usage in the New Testament. Jesus stated, “For whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and mother” (Mark 3:35). In the same way he’s saying, those who do the will of God will live forever. Doing God’s will or desires is to be the goal of every believer. Just so we know, the “live forever” speaks of external life.. NOT life on earth.

The most important point that I want us to note today is this: Doing God’s will cannot save us! No good works can overcome our sin. We are saved by Christ’s sacrifice, when we put our trusting faith in Him (Ephesians 2:8–9). We should be able to trust him to guide us into all truth. He will help us with our desires and ensure they are in alignment with his will.

Until next week, walk in the will of God and pray his will on earth as it is in heaven. May your life as a believer be an example to those who are desirous of being apart of the family of God.

Shaneka Raymore Euphfa