Friday Reflection July 16, 2021
Friday Reflection
July 16, 2021
God protects you while you are ALIVE
Good morning friends, happy Friday!
Today we reflect on the passage of scripture that comes to us from psalms 142:5. It reads:
“I cried unto thee, O Lord : I said, Thou art my refuge and my portion in the land of the living.”
Psalm 142:5 KJV
Part 1- I cried unto thee, O Lord
Finding no help from human-kind, the Psalmist turns to the Lord, and directs his prayer to Him in his time of distress.
Human help can go so far and no more, if you are facing distress and even distrust today, direct your prayers to the Lord. He will HELP YOU!
Part 2- I said, thou [art] my refuge
The Psalmist was facing trouble from all his enemies that were in pursuit of him, and from the storm of life he proclaimed his refuge is in the Lord.
No matter what you face while you are living on this earth, the Lord is your refuge. He is to all his people in times of trouble! He will always meet your needs: sustenance, protection, and safety.
Even in this pandemic, He is being a strong hold for you and your family. Trust in Him!
Part 3-And my portion in the land of the living
The Lord is large and in charge! There is no other creature in creation that can be compared to Him.
He has been the Psalmist’s immense, and inconceivable portion, throughout his generation.
The Lord must be perfect in your sight, He must be all that you need and more! He will never be taken away or consumed. He is our portion in this present life. He will be in us and with us for as long as life will last! And even in death!
God bless you all and have a great and wonderful weekend.
Shaneka Raymore Euphfa