Friday Reflection August 13 , 2021

Friday Reflection August 13 , 2021


I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.
Job 19:25 NIV

Friends, Happy Friday 🙂

Most, if not all of us are familiar with the story of Job. He faced a very difficult period in his life where he basically lost everything. In his affliction, he demonstrated courage like no other. Job confidently declared, “I KNOW that my redeemer lives” In other words he knew that all of God’s plans and promises will one day come to fruition. Job KNEW! Do YOU?

It is easy for some of us in our time of affliction to “curse God and die’. However, today I want to challenge you to go the hard way! Stick it out and stick with God. His promises never fail, his love never fails and his mercies are new everyday!

As you face your trails, make the same declaration job did. Say “I KNOW MY REDEEMER LIVES
It’s as simple as ABC and easy as 123.

just do it


Friday blessings friends,

Shaneka Raymore Euphfa.