Saturday Reflection – October 17, 2020

Saturday Reflection – 17 October 2020

“So now, O Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you? Only to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.” Deuteronomy 10:12

This was the second time, Moses had journeyed up the mountain, where he would again receive the Ten Commandments and deliver them to the children of Israel. We can remember that the first time Moses received the commandments, the people had turned to idolatry and worshipped a golden calf. When Moses saw this, he was so angry that he dropped the tablets of stone and they broke. This time, after the cleansing of the nation Israel, punishment and continued journey, Moses received a second pair of tablets bearing the commandments of the Lord.

This time the text records the question being asked – “…What does the LORD your God require of you? It is interesting because at this point – they had suffered the consequences for their sin and Moses was again instructed to lead the people to the promised land. It was God’s mercy being poured out upon his beloved, an though he gives the commandments to the people, he gives them the foundation and summation of their righteous living. That which he requires from his people.

Often times, we face this same question, having been saved from sin, washed in the blood of the Lamb and filled with the Holy Spirit. We may be at the same place where the children of Israel were, contemplating their next step as they journey to the promised land. So, what does the Lord require of us? We hear the answer in today’s watchword – “…Only to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.” This can be said to be the total measure of Christian living.

In the answer, we see four main factors arising that sum up our Christian living. And all four flow into each other. For the foundation is to fear God. Proverbs 9:10 says that “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.” In this Holy Fear, we are mindful of the watchful eyes and ears of God who guide us along the right path. Because we are mindful, then we seek to know his word and precepts and to obey them. Then we will seek to discern the Holy Spirit, who will guide us into all truth and obey the Holy Spirit. And because we love him, knowing that he first loved us and died for us. We then in response would now love him and serve him. Now then, when we develop that Holy Fear, then we will walk in all his ways, and will love him and will serve him with our all, because we know, how he has called us to live, and what he has called us to do. But that Holy Fear will drive us, in our love for God to put our best foot forward so that we may honour and glorify God. And when we stumble, we become mindful and contrite, which lead us to seek his forgiveness and restoration, so that we lead repentant lives.

God’s call to us as his children is simply this – fear him, understand that he is God – a just, righteous and good God who has called us righteous living. Seek to honour and glorify God. We honour and glorify God, by living as God called us to and serving God, that as we become disciples of Christ, we go and make other disciples. Yes, we reminded by the Lord Jesus “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” (St. Matthew 5:16) And James brings this out, in today’s doctrinal text – that we honour and glorify God by doing what he has called us to do. We have called to “…be doers of the word, and not merely hearers.” (James 1:22)

Until next week, let us continue to reflect on where we are, in fulfilling that which the Lord requires of us. May that Holy Fear burn within us, that we may walk in his ways, and may love and serve him with our very all. I leave you with the words of the prophet Micah, who put the same thought another way: “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8, NIV) Amen.

Dominic J. Blair

Friday Reflection October 16, 2020 Be assured of God’s Protection

Friday Reflection
October 16, 2020
Be assured of God’s Protection

Good morning Friends, happyyyyyyy Friday to you all. I trust you are keeping well and if you are not,I hope after listening/ reading today’s reflection, you will be well both in body and spirit. Let the word of the Lord, be your “comfort food” for today and onwards.

Today we reflect on psalm 121. I found it very interesting that on Tuesday while we were having devotion at my place of employment, I asked the question “how are we assured of God’s protection? For ourselves and our loved ones!”

This question came to mind as I thought about the death of one on my most promising young sisters. She died 12 days ago, and I cannot seem to get why this most beautiful and blossoming young woman, just 22 years of age would just die like that? Of course I tired to find comfort in others, but also in God… But I still had the question ‘if we are assured this so called protection from God, then why?”

I think this passage of scripture puts it beautifully.

Some said that David wrote this psalm while he traveled, other said that he did it during a battle.. but either way serveral commentators agreed that it was written because Davdi at some point, experienced God’s protection and was very much assured.
Hear the words of the psalmist:
I lift up my eyes to the hills— from where will my help come?

My help comes from the Lord , who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber. He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night.

The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time on and forevermore.
Psalms 121:1‭-‬8 NRSV

Now you might say how does this answer my question. In the last and closing verse the psalmist exclaimed , the Lord will keep you from evil, he will keep your life! Keeping you from evil and keeping your “life” does not mean keeping you alive in this present world…

Even though we are guaranteed protection on earth from evil , we do not choose how we are protected. What am I saying? Our protection from evil and the preservation of our lives ( eternal) may very well be God taking us out of this evil world. I had to let that thought sink. Now it’s your turn to let it SINK!

I would close right there, but I also want us to remember that while we are still living here on earth, God is still keeping us , providing for us and protecting us. No matter what state you are in!

God Bless you.

Shaneka Raymore Euphfa

Thursday Reflection October 15, 2020 Faithful prayer produces fruit

Thursday Reflection

October 15, 2020

Faithful prayer produces fruit

Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God. Mark 11:22

Today we will be reflecting on the lesson from the withered fig tree.

Jesus became hungry on his way from Bethany and he noticed a fig tree full of leaves so he thought he would be able to get some of it’s fruit. Fig trees normally have leaves only when it is in season. When Jesus got to the tree and searched the leaves he realized there was no fruit. Feeling deceived , he cursed the fig tree and it died the very next day. The disciples were shocked that the tree had withered and they surprisingly said “Rabbi the tree you cursed has withered” and he answered and said “have faith in God.”

According to Matthew Henry, God didn’t curse this tree to make an example for the other fig trees but for the Jewish church, to which he came seeking fruit but found none. It also goes to show that everyone who rejects Christ will also wither. A lot of us can be compared to the fig tree, full of leaves but we produce no fruit. We pretend to be righteous, to be pure but beneath all that is pure deception. So we all need to ask ourselves, do we act as if our trees have fruit but have none to show ? If God should inspect our trees would he find fruit?

He urged his disciples to have faith in God because the withering of the tree was not of his own will but because he prayed, trusted and had faith in God. He made it known that once you pray and believe that God can do it it will be done .

Similarly, it is through prayer and having faith in God that we produce the fruit that is required in season and out of season. So no matter which season God comes He’ll find us bearing fruit.

So I implore you all to not be fruitless trees but to strive to produce fruits for Christ through prayer and faith in the Lord.


Toni-Ann Poyser

Wednesday Reflection, October 14, 2020

Wednesday Reflection, October 14, 2020

The Whole Duty of Man

Much can be said about man’s purpose on earth or any other place he may be allowed to venture. Myles Monroe in talking about unlocking one’s full potential expressed that our purpose here on earth is not to die old but to die finished.

Jesus said, ‘it is finished!’; Paul said, ‘ I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith’ but what might you and I possibly have to say at the end of our life’s journey?

Jesus’ life was one of constant prayer, praise and thanksgiving to His Father. There were absolutely no illusions about what His purpose or duty on earth was.

So very often we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that our focus easily shifts and our priorities aren’t prioritized. Like the mere mortals we are, we forget what or duty is! We forget because we may be trying to get pregnant, meet a deadline, get married, promoted, find a job, make someone love us, get better grades, lead a healthier lifestyle, yada,yada,yada…the bottom line is we forget what our duty is, not in part but the whole of it.

In today’s watchword, we are reminded by Solomon, a perfect example of someone who was distracted by the many attractive offerings of the world and who was also driven by his own passions but who also recognized what was truly important and turned from his folly. Ecclesiastes 12:13, ‘Fear God, and keep his commandments; for that is the whole duty of everyone.

Brothers and sisters, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Not until we submit to the Lord, reverencing Him and applying His words to our hearts and lives, will we truly be able to understand that when we ask, and seek and knock we are unlocking the provisions the Lord has already made for each of us. In Acts 10:34-35 Peter said: ‘I truly believe that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.’

Until next week, trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge Him and he shall direct your path.


Kerone Lamoth

Tuesday Reflection- October 13,2020.

A God Who Journeys With Us

The design of the first temple in Jerusalem was given to Solomon, who would build it, by his father David. David had designed the temple based on the guidance of the Holy Spirit and as he now gave the task of building to Solomon, he encourages him not to lose heart or become faint in the task. God would be with him to the very end. 1 Chronicles 28: 20 is the watchword for today. David said to Solomon, “The Lord God will not fail you or forsake you, until all the work for the service of the house of the Lord is finished.” Regardless of the obstacles and opposition that Solomon would face in this task, of one thing he would be sure without the shadow of a doubt, God would be with him to the very end of his journey. God would see him through.

How could David be so sure that God would be with his son Solomon? A reading of the entire verse will help us to understand that. And David said to his son Solomon, “Be strong and of good courage, and do it; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord God—my God—will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you, until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord. What David was giving to Solomon was what he had, what he was assuring him of was what he had been assured of all his life. It was the presence of God. Whenever we left home as children and even after growing up and living on our own, my dad would always respond to our goodbyes with the same statement. “God go with you cause mi naah come”. What he was saying to us in actuality was ‘I am praying that God will accompany you since I am unable to’. That gave him the satisfaction of knowing that even away from his presence we would be ok. Away from his watching eyes we would be safe and away from his providing care we would be kept satisfied because we would be in God’s care and presence. He knew that even though he would not be there with us, he would not need to worry because God would journey with us and see us through.

Today I encourage us to know that we serve a God who surrounds us, protects and provides for us and guides us along the right path. In the midst of the uncertainties of life we have one certainty to cling to and it is that God will see us through. In the midst of political uncertainties, God will be with us. He will see us through financial uncertainties. He will see us through health uncertainties. He will see us through job uncertainties. He will see us through all the uncertainties of life for He has promised to journey with us to the very end. Regardless of what you are facing I can speak with certainty that my God will be with you and will see you through for as the saying goes, God is not blind to your tears neither is he deaf to your prayers. Indeed, God sees and hears and God will deliver. In the midst of sickness and disease which is rampant in our world, God is with us. In the midst of disasters all around, God is with us. In our personal pains and challenges, we are never alone, for God is with us. A second saying I would quote is this, ‘those who leave everything in God’s hands, will eventually see God’s hand in everything’. Friends we will struggle in this life. We will meet obstacles and opposition but as long as we keep trusting in God, we will make it, for God will see us through. Solomon walked with God and completed the temple, was blessed by God and is remembered as a great and wise king of Israel and Judah. When we walk with God and trust His ways, He will direct our path and lead us to accomplish much for His sake. I say to us today therefore, trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and God will direct your path. Indeed, God walks with you will see you through. Amen.

Monday Reflection – October 12, 2020 From the Archives #2

Monday Reflection – October 12, 2020
From the Archives #2

I continue sharing from the Archives for this month of October. I share with us the reflection of October 23, 2017.

What of Your Plans and Work? 
Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. Proverbs 16:3 (NIV)

The New Century Version puts it this way, “Depend on the Lord in whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.”

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery

We engage in planning every day, every week, every year. Many of us plan out our days and weeks. I have to plan out the routes to take when I’m going on the road or else I feel disoriented. Teachers engage in lessons plans, organizations set out daily and weekly schedules, institutions develop strategic plans. During 2016, the Moravian Church in Jamaica & The Cayman Islands spent the larger part of the year developing a 5-year strategic plan. 

It is important to plan, and as we regularly say, those who fail to plan, plan to fail. God is a God of plan; nothing just happens. We see the evidences of God’s plan in the ordered nature of creation and the uniqueness and intricacies of human beings. Yet, in the midst of our planning we ought to recognize, that any plan outside of God’s plan is destined for failure. Over and over again in the Bible, we are advised to commit our plans to the Lord so that we may receive his confirmation, and only then will they be established. Seek God’s directive in whatever we do and we will succeed. 

The obvious questions that arise are: what plans are we pursuing? Are our plans sanctioned by the Lord? What are our expected results? We plan so that we may be successful. That success is only guaranteed when God is leading the way. 

So many of us are always working, working, working. We are working for success in the many areas of our lives. Some of us are engaged in church work, yet we need to be sure that we are working for the Lord. One of my ecumenical colleagues once told the story of a member of his church who came to him complaining that he was tired of working for the church. As an insightful Minister, he told the member, “I’m happy. Stop working for the church and start working for the Lord.” We can be so hard at work and busy like crazy, but really achieving what? 

While we plan and work, God is interested in our work for him, but far more interested in his work in us. At my home church at Bethany, we learnt and sang this song: “Kids under construction, maybe the paint is still wet, wet, wet! Kids under construction, the Lord is not through with me yet.” It was such an exciting song and only later did I come to appreciate just how simple yet powerful it is.  Today’s Doctrinal text affirms this message: God is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for his good pleasure. Philippians 2:13 

Truly, God desires to be at work in us like the Potter, shaping and reshaping us into what seems good to him. So while we are at work, God is also at work. He is at work in us, while we are doing his work. May our desire and interest be more about God’s work in us than God’s work for us. The truth is when God is at work in us, our work is far more successful, beneficial and satisfying, for we do his will and reflect his character and glory. 

During this week, may we allow God to continue his work in us, and may we be productive in our work for him!

Till next week, remain on the Potter’s wheel.

Jermaine Gibson 

Saturday Reflection – 10 October 2020

Saturday Reflection – 10 October 2020

“Jesus woke up and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm. St. Mark 4:39

For many weeks, our reflections have been centred around this global pandemic that we have been grappling with since March of this year. Even so, this week, we have been exposed to the many challenges that have arisen in the teaching-learning environment since the start of this academic year. We can also imagine the many social challenges that people face in these troubling times. All this can be properly characterized by Mary-Ann Baker in the words of her hymn saying “Master, the tempest is raging.”

The story as recorded in St. Mark 4:35-41 is a popular one. Jesus and his disciples moved by boat across the Sea of Galilee. Whilst moving to the other side, Jesus fell asleep and a violent storm had suddenly emerged. You can think about it, like this past week, where the sky was blue and the sun was shining and suddenly it began to rain, and almost immediately, that rain turned into downpour. You can now imagine the winds and the waves as it tossed the boat and water began to enter the boat. See the boat as it was about the capsize. Imagine the anxiety and fear that warped the disciples in that moment and in all of that, Jesus slept peacefully in the boat.

The text tells us that they woke Jesus asking him “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” (vs 38b) Now imagine Jesus in the calmest possible sense, as he was awakened from his rest, and he gets up and commands the winds and the waves to stop and says the words “Peace! Be still!” And see, the wind ceasing and the waves calming down, the boat being levelled and a tranquil atmosphere surrounding where they were.

Have we been burdened, plagued with anxiety and fear by our own tempest that is raging? We can all identify with the challenges being brought on by the onset of COVID-19. Are we facing challenges whether connected to COVID-19 or not that are overwhelming us, and we feel like we are in a boat about to capsize? Do we feel that the Saviour is not with us in our storm? Do we have the feeling that he is not responding to our cries, nor does he feel our anxiety and fear? Do we feel like he is sleeping?

When Jesus had calmed the sea, he asked his disciples a simple yet profound question “Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?” (vs. 40) The disciples had the privilege of walking with Jesus and experiencing the teachings and miracles that he performed, and, in their minds, they still limited what God was able to do. Jesus was indeed in the boat with them, even as he journeys with us. Yet still, they awoke Jesus from a place of fear and anxiety, they probably even doubted that he was able to save them. It was not a place of surrender, nor one of faith and Jesus had to ask them this question.

We have heard the promises of God. We can testify to the goodness of God. Therefore, as we traverse to the other side of this pandemic, we are assured that Jesus is with us, and when we pray, we come to him in faith, believing that he is, and is able to save us from drowning. By his Holy Spirit, we can draw the strength that will transform our anxiety and fear to power, love and a sound mind. Today, we are reminded that while the tempest rage, Christ is breathing peace in our circumstances. We ought to be still and know that he is God. His word, as written is true and when he spoke, it stood fast. He reminds that he is greater than any storm, so as he journeys with us, let us hold on to his unchanging hand.

Until next week,
The winds and the waves shall obey thy will,
Peace, be still!
Whether the wrath of the storm tossed sea,
Or demons or men, or whatever it be
No waters can swallow the ship where lies
The Master of ocean, and earth, and skies;
They all shall sweetly obey Thy will,
Peace, be still!

As he breathes the peace that passes all understanding, may we be still, and in faith, allow Christ to calm the storm. Amen.

Dominic J. Blair

Thursday Reflection October 8, 2020 Witnesses

Thursday Reflection

October 8, 2020


Joshua said to the people, “You are witnesses against yourselves that you have chosen the Lord, to serve him.” And they said, “We are witnesses.” Joshua 24:22

Good day friends,

I greet you in the Mighty name of Jesus!

Today I want to reflect briefly on the passage stated above. Joshua, along with the Israelites had conquered majority of the Promised Land. Joshua invited them to a meeting to distribute the land and to encourage them to faithfully serve the Lord. Despite Joshua’s reservation the people assured Joshua that they would faithfully serve the Lord. It is Joshua’s response to people’s assurance that is our text for reflection. He pointed out that they [the Israelites] are witnesses against themselves and they agreed to being witnesses. Similarly, we too, are witnesses to the pledge we have made and therefore I want to leave three points for us to reflect on.

1) You made a commitment to serve God

When you gave your life to the Lord, you made a commitment with the Lord. No one forced or can force you to accept the Lord. That is a personal decision. A decision to give up all things for the sake of Jesus and him crucified. So you are held accountable for it is YOUR decision.

2) You have to hold yourself accountable

I know we are in an era where some of us have accountability partners to help us with our spiritual journey, however at the end of the day you have to hold yourself accountable. No one else can.
If you choose not to share with your accountability partner your every moment of weakness or your every sin, then that partner cannot help you. You have to be accountable to yourself, whether that is sharing with others or being honest with yourself. If you find yourself drifting away from God, YOU have to make that decision to get back on track. YOU have to be serve God faithfully.

3) Testify of God’s faithfulness

As witnesses we MUST testify of what God has done for us and even for others. We MUST declare! We MUST speak out! That’s the responsibility of a witness. They share what they have seen or heard. We are to do likewise. We tell others of God’s grace and mercy.

Until next week be faithful witnesses.


Christopher Euphfa

Wednesday Reflection, October 7, 2020

Wednesday Reflection, October 7, 2020

Pardon for Sin

Brothers and sisters, I greet you well! How many proverbs do you know? How many did you grow up on? And how many do you still use and find to be quite applicable still? The fact that there is nothing new under the sun resonated with me from the very first time I read Ezekiel 18.

The chapter opens with the Isrealites lamenting that they were being punished for the sins of their fathers simply because, the fathers ate the sour grape and set the children teeth on edge. How old were you when you learnt that this particular proverb was in fact biblical?

My friends, it is very easy for us to believe this proverb to be true especially in a world and culture that seems unable to cut you some slack. If it’s not one thing its another and if its not one thing its the other. Affliction, persecution, disappointment. Conflict, pain, singleness, joblessness, wayward children, unfaithful spouses, on and on the litany goes…

But as God reminded the people to put away such foolish thinking and not to discontinue the use of that particular proverb. He also reminded them that He judges each individual based on their individual sins. In Ezekiel 18:23 He speaks, ‘Have I any pleasure in the death of the wicked, says the Lord God, and not rather that they should turn from their ways and live? Today’s watchword. Whilst it is easy to believe one is being punished for something more or that he didn’t do, it would be unwise for the believer to pursue or continue in sin because the Lord bids each of come to repentance where He will blot out our sins and remember them no more.

Jesus said, ‘ I have come as light into the world, so that everyone who believes in me should not remain in darkness.

Let us pray, Father in heaven, whose love profound
A ransom for our souls has found,
Before thy throne we sinners bend;
To us your pardoning love extend. E Cooper
Eternal Father, thank you for making us aware that you want the very best for us, life in all its fullness.


Kerone Lamoth

The Spirit Gives Hope

The Spirit Gives Hope

God’s promise to pour out his Spirit upon Israel is seen at different points in the Old Testament. The passage in which today’s watchword falls begins with the destruction of the armies of Israel’s enemies, Israel’s celebration and their restoration. This all becomes evidence of God’s visible presence in Israel’s midst. Today’s Watchword is God’s promise of His presence to Israel. I will never again hide my face from them, when I pour out my spirit upon the house of Israel, says the Lord. Ezekiel 39: 29.

When we read the Young’s Literal Translation, it says: ‘And I hide not any more My face from them, In that I have poured out My spirit on the house of Israel, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah!’ God affirms His presence in Israel with the promise of His blessings on His people and they are expected to respond by adhering to God’s ways. Those who practice godliness are certain to receive God’s favor. The Lord’s promise to Israel and to us is that the outpouring of His Spirit would signify His lasting presence. Peter alluded to this on the Day of Pentecost as he addressed the crowd, quoting Joel 2: 28 – I will pour out my spirit on all people. This outpouring of the Spirit on all people was to be something new, something different and something spectacular. Prior to this the Spirit of God had been seasonal and not readily accessible. We see for example in Judges 3: 10 where the Spirit of God rested on Othneil and he became a judge of Israel and went to war. We also read in 1 Samuel 10: 10 where the Spirit of God rested on Saul and he joined a group of prophets and started to prophesy. The promise of today’s watchword however is that the time would come when God’s Spirit would be both available and accessible, leading humanity to practice Godliness and be recipients of God’s grace.

The text, as well Joel’s prophecy and others in the Old Testament, pointing to the outpouring of the Spirit of God on all people, was interpreted by Peter as having been fulfilled through Jesus Christ who had told them to await the coming of the Holy Spirit. God had poured his Spirit upon them through the work, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ. We note however that the passage within which the watchword falls speaks of the total defeat of the enemies of God’s people, which I would interpret today as the enemy of the church. Although the Holy Spirit has been poured out among us, and although we are enabled to live Godly lives through this presence, we still await the defeat and destruction of the enemy. This will definitely come in accordance with God’s promise to us. We live in this broken world, often reflecting its brokenness but always holding to the hope that the Holy Spirit gives. The hope that He who now dwells within us will defeat all that seeks to destroy us. Sickness, disease, death, human evil, spiritual wickedness, the broken pieces of earthly living. Indeed, all that comes between humanity and Godly living will one day be defeated for all eternity as God establishes His new kingdom for those in whom His Spirit dwells. My prayer for us is that we will all continue to live by the Spirit until that day when our hope for an eternity of God’s perfect reign is established. May the visible presence of God in our hearts and lives, provide the hope we need every day. Amen