Amended Constitution and Regulations 2019 & Appendix 1 of Regulations

by Linae Hendricks 0 Comments

The Constitution & Review Inter-Synodal Committee has completed the update of the Church Order (Constitution & Regulations), based on the decisions of Synod 2019.

You can find below:

1. Constitution of the Moravian Church in Jamaica & The Cayman Islands, 2019
2. Regulations of the Moravian Church in Jamaica & The Cayman Islands, 2019
3. Appendix 1 of the Regulations of the Moravian Church in Jamaica & The Cayman Islands

The Church Needs Spiritual Mothers And Fathers

The Church Needs Spiritual Mothers And Fathers

The Church and the world are made up of different types of people, some experience spiritual rebirth, some are in constant search for a genuine relationship with God and with their fellowman. Some suffer abuse, broken families, deprivation, marginalization and alienation. These people are seeking genuine relationships; they are scared because of violence, the advances of technology. They are looking for direction and they are searching for spiritual answers.

In Malachi 4:6, we are told that God’s will is that there should be spiritual parents to nurture spiritual children and help them grow in their Christian lives so that harmony can be restored between fathers/mothers and their children. According to Larry Kreider the lack of spiritual parents could result in a struggle for believers, as they could develop feelings of spiritual loneliness and the absence of identity. Kreider explained that if care is not taken the Church could become a system that produces programs and teachers rather than sons and daughters who would in turn multiply to produce a great harvest for the Kingdom of God. He said the presence of spiritual parents could help to:

  • reduce the tension between generations
  • foster equality between young and old
  • provide opportunities for everyone to participate
  • build healthy relationships in Church.

God’s Family Connections

Kreider posited that it is important that the more matured men and women assume leadership responsibilities in the Church. If this is not done it is possible that the younger more immature leaderships will emerge and they may not be equipped to rise up to the task ahead. God, however, is able to use the faithfulness of the more matured spiritual fathers and mothers to help preserve the lives of the young people He has chosen to work in His vineyard.

God’s people are His ordained family. The Church should model the intentions God has for His family which are to:

  • impart love
  • nurture and impart wisdom
  • strengthen the young and to help them to overcome loneliness
  • protect and be mentors for them so that the next generation can be prepared for parenthood.

Building strong relationships similar to those of the Early Church is very important for the maintenance of spiritual families. Parents and children have to love each other and stay in close relationships with each other; they will see good, bad and ugly but still love each other. The family size not be too big but it should be authentic. The focus should be on the empowering and fathering people not on programs.

On Becoming Parents

The Bible indicates that humans go through life in stages: little children, young men and women and fathers and mothers (1 John 2) with distinct tasks to perform at each stage. Kreider referred to Vincent as explaining that the Epistle John was not only calling for strong men who knew the word of God but parents who knew God to father the Church and to ensure biblical patterns in the homes and society so as to reduce social problems. Fatherhood is important to God’s purpose, one should therefore progress through the stages to fatherhood to receive the heart and revelation of a father, failing to do that would mean remaining as spiritual babies.

Spiritual babies tend to live self-centered life styles, complaining, fussing, and throwing tantrums when things don’t go their way. They want to be spoon-fed. Spiritual young men and women feed themselves with the word of God; they are usually fearless, strong and bring zeal to the body of Christ although temptations may entrapped those who are not fully developed. Spiritual fathers and mothers become parents by adoption, fathering/mothering a believer. They are usually mature believers who have grown and matured in their Christian journey. They are models who teach and nurture and prepare their children to be spiritual parents. The call of God is for us to become spiritual parents.

What Do Spiritual Parents Do?

Spiritual fathers and mothers model Christianity in a practical way. They display a lifestyle that connects them in relationships to younger Christians who need support and nurturing. Spiritual parents spend time with their children and it’s during this time that much training takes place. They recognise that parenting is about passing on a legacy which involves loving, encouraging, training, modeling, imparting and multiplying. They are servants and sometimes referred to as coaches or mentors. Spiritual fathers and mothers help their children reach their God given potentials. They help their children become aware of behaviours and attitudes in life that need changing.

Some similarities between natural and spiritual parents include: love their children, they provide an environment which encourages training, growth and character development; discipline, directing, guiding and preparation for success; provision for sustenance and enrichment and a spiritual legacy; reproduce, gives spiritual life to children so they can themselves can be parents others. They bless and impart divine life. Spiritual fathers and mothers live in obedience to God, they build healthy self-worth in their children, they believe in them, they see their potentials and provide opportunities for their growth, for them to achieve and be responsible.