Friday Reflection December 17, 2021

Friday Reflection December 17, 2021

Hope in God

Good morning Friends,
Happy Holidays! 🎄

Today’s reflection takes us to the book of Lamentations , chapter 3:24. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will hope in him.”
Lamentations 3:24 NIV

Brief Background

The book of Lamentations is said to have been written by the prophet Jeremiah. In this specific chapter, he speaks of his afflictions and the difficult times he had. But in verse 24, he boldly express that in spite of that, and because of the fact that God’s mercies and love are new every morning and does not fail, He could boldly declare; the Lord is my portion, therefore I hope in Him

Like Jeremiah, we are faced with challenges and difficult times. Not just personally, but as a church, as a community and as a nation. We continue to face our own personal fears of crime and violence, family disputes and some of us face numerous struggles with our faith. We continue to see the gospel being watered down daily by false prophets who have no intention of winning souls for the kingdom, but for their own selfish gain. We continue to experience the unfairness of the political system and the abuse of those in power. And the list goes on and on!

But like Jeremiah, we know in whom we have believed and are persuaded that He is able to keep us and all that we have committed to Him. No matter what we may be called upon to suffer in this life, we KNOW that God is faithful and will not cause us to be consumed by this world. We are more than conquerors in Him that love us! It is not by might nor power that we will overcome this present world, but it is by His Spirit!

God is a promise keeper, and so like Jeremiah, we too without a shadow of doubt can proclaim, “The Lord is my portion – therefore I have hope in Him.”

As you journey through today and the rest of 2021. Always remember these words, say them over and over until they become apart of you!

Untill next time, God bless you!

Shaneka Raymore Euphfa

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Friday Reflection December 17, 2021

Hope in God

Good morning Friends,
Happy Holidays! 🎄

Today’s reflection takes us to the book of Lamentations , chapter 3:24. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will hope in him.”
Lamentations 3:24 NIV

Brief Background

The book of Lamentations is said to have been written by the prophet Jeremiah. In this specific chapter, he speaks of his afflictions and the difficult times he had. But in verse 24, he boldly express that in spite of that, and because of the fact that God’s mercies and love are new every morning and does not fail, He could boldly declare; the Lord is my portion, therefore I hope in Him

Like Jeremiah, we are faced with challenges and difficult times. Not just personally, but as a church, as a community and as a nation. We continue to face our own personal fears of crime and violence, family disputes and some of us face numerous struggles with our faith. We continue to see the gospel being watered down daily by false prophets who have no intention of winning souls for the kingdom, but for their own selfish gain. We continue to experience the unfairness of the political system and the abuse of those in power. And the list goes on and on!

But like Jeremiah, we know in whom we have believed and are persuaded that He is able to keep us and all that we have committed to Him. No matter what we may be called upon to suffer in this life, we KNOW that God is faithful and will not cause us to be consumed by this world. We are more than conquerors in Him that love us! It is not by might nor power that we will overcome this present world, but it is by His Spirit!

God is a promise keeper, and so like Jeremiah, we too without a shadow of doubt can proclaim, “The Lord is my portion – therefore I have hope in Him.”

As you journey through today and the rest of 2021. Always remember these words, say them over and over until they become apart of you!

Untill next time, God bless you!

Shaneka Raymore Euphfa

Thursday Reflection December 16, 2021

Thursday Reflection December 16, 2021

Never Alone

And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20

Greeting friends,

Have you ever felt alone and sad? Have you ever felt abandoned, especially by someone you love and trust? What about overwhelmed with no indication of help? It’s easy to forget the presence of Jesus with us.

In St Matthew 28 the disciples were seeing Jesus face to face for the very final time. This is after his Resurrection and his appearance to the disciples. However, this will be the final time that they see him on earth. In Jesus’s charge to His disciples He encouraged them to go into all the world baptising in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He also charged them to teach the people what they have learnt from Jesus and reminded them that they are not alone.

Friends, despite the foreknowledge of what was to come which was Jesus’s return to be with His Father, I could just imagine how the disciples might have left or the thoughts that ran through their minds. Its probably the same thought Jesus had of them. “Here it is we had Jesus with us. Then He wasn’t with us. He then came back to us and now He’s going away. We’re going to be alone again.”

There are times that we go through situations in life and we for certain feel the presence of God in our lives. Without a doubt we know that God is there. We can testify, because we see His hand at work and we say, “God you good ehh” but then there are times we wonder where is Jesus. We no longer feel His presence and we definitely cannot see His hands at work. It is during these times that we feel alone, abandoned, neglected and even forgotten. It is during these times our thoughts run wild and we question even our own relationship with God.

Jesus was aware that these moments would occur for the disciples and by extension even for us. Hence, He said, “And remember…” In the times that we do not feel the presence of God or His hand at work, we are called to remember. Sometimes we forget or don’t even want to remember, but we must remember. We must call to mind.

What must we call to mind? That Jesus is with us even to the end of age. Hallelujah! Jesus is with us always! We’re never alone Even when we do not feel his presence or see His hand at work, He is still with us. Even when everyone around us has abandoned us and we’re left to our thoughts and our tears, Jesus is still with us. When life’s challenges are stacked against us and there seems to be no one to help, Jesus is still with you. Even when you’re dead and in the grave Jesus is still with you. He said to His disciples, “I am with you always, to the end of age.” Glory be to God.!

So friends, I charge us today to remember. Remember that you’re never alone, because Jesus is always with you.


Christopher Euphfa

Wednesday Reflection, December 15, 2021

Wednesday Reflection, December 15, 2021

Jehovah Rapha

For thus says the Lord: Your hurt is incurable, your wound is grievous. For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal.
Jeremiah 30:12,17.

Good day friends. Have you ever seen an elderly person behaving in a manner that makes you wonder about their sanity and self respect? Or considered those people who spend most of their time in the gambling houses losing more than they win? Does it bother you when you see young men and women seemingly wasting away, giving in to partying and what would appear to be an incessant urge to drink and/smoke?

I have often pondered the logics of life and it bothers me that after trying and participating in so many things, there are still persons who are still seeking to fulfill the desires of the flesh. Some have been bound by habbits they can’t seem to break and life for many seems a constant up hill.

In today’s watchword, the Lord spoke to a similar set of people. They had dabbled in sin and walked in disobedience for so long that God had to address their unhealthy state.

Through the prophet Jeremiah, the Lord told the people that there was no cure among men for thehr diseases, they were gravely ill, those who loved them had forsaken them. He explained that because of the magnitude of their sins, the consequences would also be great.

All these,the Lord allowed to happen however, He promised to restore their health and to heal their wounds so that they would know and remember that He was their God.

Friends, what a sad state to be in. A state of illness with no medicine, doctors or loved ones to offer care or support. Imagine all the people I spoke of earlier, imagine you and I as sinful men and women before we became saved by grace.

As we seek God on our own behalf, may we seek Him for those still hurting, aching for a cure. Those who have not yet realized that Jesus is the answer. Today’s doctrinal text from 1 Peter 2:24 reminds us, ‘by his wounds you have been healed’

Brothers and sisters, let us continue to pray for the healing of others as we pray also for ourselves.

Kerone Lamoth

Tuesday Reflection- December 14, 2021

Strangers in an Alien Land

While I lived in the Cayman Islands, I would caution many persons who cane there on work permit to be careful how they spent their earnings. I didn’t want them to complete their time allowed to work only to find that they had spent all their earnings and now had nothing to go home with. My saying was that they were at work and not at home so should not live as if they were home. They were strangers in a foreign land. The Watchword for today is a reminder of that period in my life, not because I was not feeling at home but because the reality was that I knew the day would come when I would have no more time to remain in that country unless my status changed. I know what it means to live as a stranger in a foreign land. Today’s Watchword is from Psalm 119: 19 I live as an alien in the land.

What does it mean to live as a stranger in a foreign land? It’s different from being a visitor. A visitor already knows that time is limited and even while enjoying the hospitality of the visit, will be busy preparing for the return trip home. When one lives in a land however, one becomes a part of the system, builds relationships with the people, and become a valued contributor to the economy through earning and spending. Strangers are just as valuable to the existence of an economic system as the residents are. While one group is transient and are always being rotated, the other is stable and always in place. The children of Israel considered themselves aliens in the land or strangers in the earth. They were the transient population. We are here for only a moment, visitors and strangers in the land as our ancestors were before us. Our days on earth are like a passing shadow, gone so soon without a trace 1 Chronicles 29: 15. This was based on the concept that they were on the earth only for a short time so should not live as if they were there forever. Life was thus described like a bird in flight, visible but for a short while, rather than as a mountain or as the sun which were always there. It was a way of recognizing humanity’s greatest limitation, the brevity of life. We are here for a limited time and so should live wisely, making good use of the time we have.

Being strangers in this world also means that as Christians we should not become like the world, but should maintain our difference, our uniqueness as children of God. The concept of being in the world but not of the world comes to mind here. Jesus when he prayed for the disciples did not pray for them to be removed from the world but for them be kept safely, to have a sense of belonging to a better place which He, Jesus would be going to prepare. The call then is for us not to be conformed to the world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds so that we might pay keener attention to the things that are godly rather than those that are worldly. To be a stranger is to be careful of who and what we become attached to, it is to ensure that we glorify God and not humanity through our words and work. It is to know that as God’s children we will not be loved, valued or respected by the world. It is to refuse to partake in the sinful actions of the world even if it means we will be looked down on and ostracized. More importantly, it is knowing that this world is not home for us for we long for a better world, one whose builder and maker is God. A city prepared for a prepared people, a people who live not for this world, but for life eternal with Jesus Christ. Yes friends, we await its realization, we await Christ’s return, and we await His invitation to enter our Master’s joy. In this Advent season, may we look forward to His coming not only as a baby for Christmas celebrations, but as the King of Kings to claim and welcome those who faithfully await His return. We are strangers in a foreign land and our time of going home is fast approaching. Let us be prepared. I close with the doctrinal text from Eph 5: 15 and 16 Be careful then how you live, not as unwise people but as wise, making the most of the time. Amen.

Monday Reflection – December 13, 2021

Monday Reflection – December 13, 2021
God’s Faithful Covenant

Do not let the downtrodden be put to shame. Psalm 74:21

While one is not sure as to when Psalm 74 was written, it is clear that the writer Asaph is pleading with God to remember His destroyed sanctuary. Some scholars believe that the Psalm was written following the destruction of the temple by the Babylonians. Some argue that it is even later, following the desecration of the temple in the days of Antiochus Epiphanes. Some say that the Asaph of David and Solomon’s time composed this Psalm on the occasion or the memory of the destruction of the tabernacle in Shiloh (1 Samuel 4). Whichever it is, what is clear is that Psalm 74 is a plea and a prayer in great sorrow from the destruction of the sanctuary.

In the midst of this prayer, Asaph asks God to remember and respect His covenant. This everlasting covenant that was established with Abraham is intended to be everlasting covenant for all generations. How can God forget or disregard so sacred a promise He made? But, can He? Absolutely not! I imagine that Asaph and his people were so overwhelmed by the sight of the destroyed temple that he wonders where is God. I imagine that the negative effects of the reality and the impact on him and his people socially, spiritually, psychologically and mentally was so grave that he at least wondered, maybe doubted, whether God has reneged on His promise. In this context, we hear Asaph’s plea in today’s Watchword, “Do not let the downtrodden be put to shame.”

Admittedly friends, when life gets too much for us to deal with, we may at times wonder about God’s power and faithfulness. We question God’s presence, plan and purposes. When time seems to be running out, we question God’s will and timeliness. Today’s New Testament text provides hope, “Elizabeth’s neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown his great mercy to her, and they rejoiced with her” Luke 1:58. We recall that both Elizabeth and Zechariah were old and she had passed child bearing age. Like all other families, they desired children, especially a son, for which they had prayed for a long time. God answered their prayers and they were priviledged to be parents to John the Baptist, the forerunner of the Christ.  

In a world where life gets difficult, God remains faithful. In a world, where we are handed sorrow and joy, pain and gladness, mountains and valleys, rugged and plain paths, God’s promise remains sure. In a world where disaster and destruction, sickness and death are a part of life, God’s abiding presence and sustaining grace are always available. In a dangerous world, full of the haunts of cruelty, God’s people can rely on God’s covenant promise. In a world where the value of our money is declining and the prices of goods are ever increasing, God’s providence is assured. In a world where Covid-19 seems here to stay, God’s delivering power is at work. Let’s anchor our hope in God, through Jesus Christ.

We join Tate and Brady in declaring:
Through all the changing scenes of life,
  In trouble and in joy,
The praises of my God shall still
  My heart and tongue employ.

Jermaine Gibson

Saturday Reflection – 11 December 2021

Saturday Reflection – 11 December 2021

“Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 1 Corinthians 1:20

How is it, that as Christians, we are able to hold on to such hope, to possess such peace, to be filled with such joy and to emanate such love, that no matter the circumstances that we face, no matter the realities that surround us, there is still life and light wherever we go, and with whomever we engage on a daily basis. More than that, the deep and genuine hope, and peace, joy, and love that is found within us, that flows through us to those around us, is not seasonal or conditional, but is representative of the lasting hope, the incomprehensible peace, the strengthening joy, and the unconditional love that we have received freely from the Father.

This may be mind-boggling, and not an easily accepted notion by those who have not yet come to know Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour, and may even be cast aside as foolishness, disingenuous, or fanaticism. As the Apostle Paul confronts the church on the mystery of the power of God, we are reminded that our own understanding is limited and cannot match up to our Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent God. This truth reminds us that instead of trying to work out the mystery of God, we ought to cultivate simple faith, the faith of a child, without which we cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.

In this season of advent, which is a time of preparation, we are often confronted with the mystery of the first coming of Christ, born in Bethlehem of Judea, “…born a child and yet a king.” And even as we hear and reflect on the Nativity of Christ each Christmas, we believe by faith, that Christ left heaven, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, was born of the Virgin Mary, that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. This mystery of the Incarnation, we accept by faith, and just that belief strengthens us, by reminding and offering to us hope, peace, joy, and love, wrapped up in the greatest gift that could ever be given, with which anyone who would freely accept would find life, and life more abundantly. The season of advent also strengthens our resolve, as we wait patiently for the second coming of Christ. As we reminded of the words of the prophets, and everything falling into place at the birth of the Saviour, in like manner, having read the Scriptures, accepted the gift of salvation, and being led by the Holy Spirit, we actively prepare, by our lip – in spreading the good news, and living a life that reflects the one who came to save us. That when the Lord should put in his appearance “…not just a Saviour, but a reigning king…” we will all be numbered among the saints that will go marching in.

This was the message of the angels to the shepherds, on that first advent of Christ, “Do not be afraid; for see – I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is the Messiah, the Lord.” (St. Luke 2:10-11) For us as Christians, this good news has changed our lives forever, and this is our message to the world. It is not about comprehending the mysteries of God, but to take God at His word, and to yield to the call of the Holy Spirit. We may find ourselves distracted by contemplating, by adducing, and experimenting to come to scientific conclusions that we miss the great and powerful mystery of the Saviour’s first advent, who came that we might have life, and have it more abundantly. We may be cultured to accept a Christmas tale that we reject when we get older, as we understand that it is not feasible, and only a Children’s fable. Not so, with the Nativity of Christ. If we continue to see it as a narrative, then we will overlook and sooner than later, forget that it actually happened and lose sight of its purpose and meaning “For Jews demand signs (attesting miracles), and Greeks pursue [worldly] wisdom and philosophy, but we preach Christ crucified, [a message which is] to Jews a stumbling block [that provokes their opposition], and to Gentiles foolishness [just utter nonsense], but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks (Gentiles), Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God. (1 Corinthians 1: 22-24, AMP) The truth is the world’s wisdom has only led to strife, confusion, pain and destruction, but in the Lord, His choicest blessings, a living hope, and an eternal inheritance!

Until next week, as we continue to reflect in this Advent season, may we ask God to renew our faith in Christ that we may believe, live, and be energized to spread the good news, that all may come to see, experience and know God’s choicest blessings, both bountifully and beautifully exhibited in the Lord’s Advent. Amen.

Dominic J. Blair

Thursday Reflection, December 9, 2021

Thursday Reflection, December 9, 2021

Patiently wait for the Lord’s return

Be like those who are waiting for their master to return from the wedding banquet, so that they may open the door for him as soon as he comes and knocks. Luke 12:36

Greeting friends,

Not many of us like waiting in long lines in the bank or waiting over an hour for our food to arrive at a restaurant. Not many of us like waiting for people that we expect, but there is no sign of them arriving. Waiting sometimes is not our best quality, but here in our text it is a feature we must develop and work on.

Jesus speaking to His disciples encouraged them to be as watchful servants waiting for their master’s return. When their master returns from the wedding banquet they will be there to open the door. Then the master will reward them. Jesus went on further to say, “Blessed is that slave whom his master will find at work when he arrives.”

Friends as we look at the text there are two point I want to make:

1) Patiently wait on the Lord’s return

Jesus is coming back and when He does it will be to separate the sheep from the goat, the wheat from the tares or simply put the good from the bad or those who have been faithful to him from those who haven’t. As stated earlier, sometimes patience is not our strongest feature, but here we are called to wait. We do not know when the Lord will return, but we must wait for it.

Now waiting doesn’t entail doing nothing. For if we are expecting someone to visit us we make preparations for that visit. If the house is to be cleaned, or sheets changed or food purchased we do so in preparation for that visitor. This brings me to my second point.

2) Work until Jesus’s return

Because we know Christ is coming back, we must make preparations for His return and that entails doing His work. As servants we do not do as we like. Instead we do what has been assigned to us by the master, in this case, Jesus. We prepare for His return by doing the work that has been assigned to us. So that when he returns unexpectedly He will find us doing the work that He gave us to do.

Friends, Jesus will return. I am confident of this. But when He will return, I have no clue. However, until He returns let us be patient and not get complacent. Let us prepare for His return by doing the work that has been assigned to us. So that when He return He will find us faithful and reward us accordingly.

Let us wait patiently for His return


Christopher Euphfa

Wednesday Reflection, December 8, 2021

Wednesday Reflection, December 8, 2021

Greetings, brothers and sisters! The story is told of a man who was told to take a particular set of people to a particular place. He was responsible for all their needs and wants (and boy did these people ask for alot) but this man, although he first doubted his capabilities, grew into his role and relied on God to lead him in order for him to be able to lead these people.

If you guessed correctly, then yes, the man was Moses. And so, we also now have no doubt who said people were. We know the children of Israel to be a stubborn and rebellious lot. God Himself referred to them as ‘stiff-necked’ and over and over their attitude led them to disobey Moses, God’s representative and also their own advocate which led them to sin against God.

In one particular instance, Moses went up to Mount Sinai to meet with the Lord on the people’s behalf but the people thought he took too long to return, they became impatient and craved a ‘quick fix’. They asked Aaron to make them gods. Aaron instructed them to bring all their golden jewellery to him, he took them and made a golden calf. The calf was then presented to Israel as the new god and the people quickly took their offerings, made sacrifices and worshipped the image.

God was angry, but Moses pleaded with Him. Reminded him of His enemies and the purpose for delivering them from pharoah’s enslavement and the promise God made to Abraham, Isaac and to Israel to multiply their descendants. The Lord relented. Moses went back to the people and was enraged by what he saw. He chastised both Aaron and the people but still wanting to advocate on their behalf, Moses went back to the Lord.

In today’s watchword, Exodus 32:31,32, “then Moses returned to the Lord and said, they have made themselves gods of gold. But now, please forgive their sin.”

Throughout scripture, it is clear that consequences for sin comes in stages and varies in degrees of severity, providing opportunity for repentance. Moses knew that although the nation on Israel was not destroyed, the matter of consequences from their sin with the golden calf was not yet settled. His showed intent to offer himself as a sacrifice for the people.

Friends, Hebrews 3:12-13 reminds us to ‘take care, brothers and sisters, that none of you may have an evil unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But exhort one another everyday. I want to encourage someone today, that although the answer/directive you await may seem to be delayed, believe God, trust God, serve God as you await the response.

In the same way Moses advocated for the people, Jesus Christ advocates for us even now. Wait on the Lord and trust in the power of His might.


Tuesday Reflection- December 7, 2021

God is alive and active in the world

God issued a warning to Israel. They were to remember that they were called to be separate from the other nations around them. The practice of sacrificing to idols and following horoscope was not their custom or way. Those customs followed by other nations of the world were false. God called Israel to understand that the gods of the other nations were made by human hands and were therefore susceptible to being destroyed by the same human action that made them. If they were man-made, then they are powerless, unable to do anything supernatural like Israel’s God, like our God. Today’s watchword is a call to recognition of the power of God to create and sustain life. The Lord made the earth by his power, and by his understanding stretched out the heavens. Jeremiah 10: 12

Unlike the gods of the Babylonians, Israel’s God was alive and active in the world. This movement of God began with the creation of the world. The text is a reminder that the world did not just appear out of nowhere. Genesis tells us that God spoke and it came to be. The world was intricately designed by God and has been kept by God’s grace and power throughout the years. This speaks of God being alive and active in the world. The continuous action of procreation, growth and development in the world is evidence of God’s presence. The intricacy of the earth’s and indeed the universe’s design speaks of divine intelligence at work and not a random coming together.

To say that God is alive and active is to know that God is with us in the world today. This is seen in the prophetic voice of Isaiah 7: 14 Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and she will name Him Immanuel. Matthew 1: 23 translates Immanuel to mean ‘God with us’. If God is with us in the world, his presence is not an unconcerned or impassive one, but a living, active presence. What does that presence mean for us? In Hebrews 4: 15 Paul speaks of Jesus: For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. Through Jesus, God has showed us how to be true to Him. Let us trust that the God who creates, who sustains and who came in Jesus Christ bringing redemption to humanity, knows what we are experiencing and is alive and active in His continued work to sustain His creation. He will do what none other can for He alone is God. Amen.