Tuesday Reflection – June 23, 2020 God’s Word is Still Alive and Active.

Tuesday Reflection – June 23, 2020
God’s Word is Still Alive and Active.
Psalm 147 is a Psalm of praise to God the creator who cares for us. It can be divided into three sections. The first section, vs 1 to 6, praises God for his protection and preservation. Section 2, vs 7 to 11, praises God for his work in nature, and the third section, vs 12 to the end (20) praises God for his wisdom, power and word. In this section the concentration is on God’s power and care for his creation and the presence and witness of God’s word among God’s creation. The watchword for today is verse 15: He sends His commands to the earth. His word runs swiftly.
In a world which many describe as being devoid of the presence of God, today’s text is a stark reminder that God is very much present and at work among the creation. His commands and the swiftness of His words are a sure sign of God’s continued activity and presence. When God speaks, when God issues His commands, his words, they quickly reach their destination. In describing the swiftness of God’s word during the creation the Psalmist says in Psalm 33: 9 For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast. This is the speed at which God’s commands move and his words impacts the world around us. There is an immediacy to God’s words. He speaks and it happens. Paul understood this when he asked for prayer in 2 Thessalonians 3: 1: Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run and be glorified, just as with you. God word moves throughout the earth and is glorified as it finds fulfillment among God’s people. There is no stopping the word of God nor its fulfillment. Rather we ought to make ourselves channels through which God’s will is accomplished. Is 55: 10 – 11 reads similarly to the Psalm. “For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, And do not return there, But water the earth, And make it bring forth and bud, That it may give seed to the sower And bread to the eater, 11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” Indeed we are being reminded today of the continuous presence and power of the living, active word of God. 
The constancy and power of God’s word both encourages and cautions us. It encourages us to know that regardless of where we find ourselves, or what we may be going through, God has a word for us. The writer to the Hebrews describes the word of God in 4: 12. For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Imagine the penetrative power of God’s word friends. Soul and spirit, joints and marrow, is descriptive of the core of our very being, of who we are. This is the us that God alone knows. The watchword therefore invites us to open ourselves for an intimacy with God that is experienced only by those who lay bare their hearts and souls before him. That God would even want to be with us in such intimacy is hope for a fallen humanity. This is the hope that the world needs today. Gladys Moore wrote the Hymn, ‘God’s word alive and active, proclaimed throughout the years, still comforts us when hurting and calms our hidden fears. God’s word of truth and justice sets weary captives free, and joins God’s holy people in new community.’ The caution to us is that even as we are drawn closer in intimacy, we must realize the futility of trying to hide the true us from God who is all knowing. We cannot live a double standard before God and think that all is well. God’s words reveal God to us and us to God. The call for us then is to ensure that our thoughts and actions are a reflection of God’s commands, that our words and ways mirror God’s words and intentions for us. In this way we will be true stewards of God’s grace, reminding the world that God is indeed present with us. Through our living we are called to let the world know that God’s word remains alive and active in God’s creation. Amen.  

Bevon White

Monday Reflection – June 22, 2020 Bountiful God

Monday Reflection – June 22, 2020
Bountiful God

You crown the year with your bounty; your wagon tracks overflow with richness. Psalm 65:11  

Psalm 65 is a beautiful song of praise to God; a song in which all of creation joins in jubilant celebration of the goodness of God. We know not of the occasion of this Psalm; however, because of the tone of thankfulness and praise connected to flocks and grain, many think it was composed for a harvest festival. It begins with David describing a wonderful picture, the idea that praise was waiting to be given to God in Jerusalem. The sense is that when God came to meet his people, he would be received in an atmosphere of praise. But isn’t this the mood and spirit we ought to be in as we anticipate God’s presence in our midst? The reality or anticipation of God’s presence should automatically engender a spirit of jubilant praise, for indeed ‘In God’s presence there is fulness of joy’ (Psalm 16:11).

Interestingly, the word translated ‘wait’ in verse one comes from a root meaning to be silent. Morgan says, “This does not mean that there is no praise, but on the contrary that praise is so complete that at first it can find no utterance.” Charles Spurgeon adds that when the soul is most filled with adoring awe, it is not concerned about utterances, but feels most deeply how inadequate are all mortal songs to proclaim the divine goodness. Assuredly, no matter how much we try, our limited fragile words are always inadequate to describe the unlimited, infinite God.

David also speaks about God’s invitation to humans, since God is the initiator of the connection between himself and us. Such a connection begins when God chooses and then causes us to come to him that we may dwell in his courts. There we experience satisfaction because of God’s goodness. David also spends time in this Psalm describing the far-reaching greatness of God, evident in creation. As God of the whole world, Yahweh cares for the earth and makes sure it has what it needs. He provides rivers of water and grain for the earth. While the farmer breaks up the ground, ploughs, and sows the seed, God attends to with rain and heat, allows the seeds to grow and prosper, and crowns the year with his bounty. A full and plentiful harvest is the crown of the year; and this springs from the unmerited goodness of God.

Creation is happy and joyful before God because of his great power and care for them. While nature makes sweet melody in song to God, humans have a greater cause to give praise to him. We are beneficiaries of the gift of nature, as well as the priviledge of connection with God and the joy of atonement for our sins. We must never fail to give to God the praise and honour that is more than due. Yet, we also demonstrate our gratitude to God by our proper stewardship of his gifts, including our generosity to others. May God be glorified in and through our lives. Amen

Jermaine Gibson 

Saturday Reflection – 20 June 2020

Saturday Reflection – 20 June 2020

“Full of honor and majesty is the Lord’s work, and his righteousness endures forever.” Psalm 111:3

Fear not, I am with you; O be not dismayed,
For I am your God and will still give you aid;
I’ll strengthen you, help you and cause you to stand
Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand (J. Rippon, 1787)

Brothers and sisters, often we may find ourselves anxious by the prospects of a new normal. The truth is, we may be comfortable in the way of operation that has always been put into practice, and that has always been our reality. But COVID-19, in a way has restricted that comfort, as in many ways, we have to modify our normal way of doing things, our way of relating and engaging people and the mission that we have called to. This realization is even clearer, the more our borders open, and we grapple even more, with returning to a state of normalcy.

Today’s watchword is a reminder for us, that the even as we contemplate the new normal, that the Lord is still at work, transforming and changing lives by the power of the Holy Spirit. That our new normal has not changed our focus and has not shifted our eyes from our Chief Elder. The work of the church goes on, and the Lord still calls us to labour in his vineyard. And that in the work of the Lord – as we live and labour together, we find fulfillment, joy and purpose even as we live godly lives and cling to our hope and confidence. For the Holy Spirit dwells in us, and draws us closer, (by our living and our serving), in a deeper relationship with him.

The Holy Spirit has empowered the church to consider worship and witness and we must avail ourselves to the Holy Spirit, giving all that we are, all our plans, and all that we have, that he may use us to his honour and to this glory.

As we acknowledge this Pentecostal renewal, may the Holy Spirit empower our church; through its leaders and members that we may discern new methods for discipleship; our worship and witness that we may be effective in our new normal.

Until next week, let us not lose our resolve, but let us – by the power and leading of the Holy Spirit – press on as the church – to be salt and light – that we may be faithful to the very end. Amen.

Dominic J. Blair

Thursday Reflection June 18, 2020 Faith requires obedience

Thursday Reflection

June 18, 2020

Faith requires obedience

Noah did all that God commanded him. Genesis 6:22

As people began to multiply on the earth, so too did the sins of these people. The sons of God admired the beauty of women and took any woman they wanted as wives. This type of behavior angered the Lord, which resulted in a shorten life span of 120 years for humanity. As God observed the behavior of people on earth, he realized that everything they thought or imagined was consistently evil. God regretted making humanity and putting them on earth. The Lord then decided to destroy both human and animals on earth.

Despite the wickedness that existed on earth God found favor in one man. Noah did what was righteous in the sight of God. Noah walked closely with the Lord. God shared with Noah his plans to wipe out all living things, because they have become violent and wicked. God instructed Noah to build an ark with a specific outline given to him. The text tells us that Noah did all that God commanded him.

Friends, there two are points I want to draw from this text.

  1. Noah found favor

In a world that was wicked and self-centered to the point God regretted making humanity, there stood one man who did what was right in the sight of God. Noah did not follow the pattern of the world and all what the rest of the people was doing. Instead Noah lived a righteous life in a sinful world, which is what is required today. In a world where sin has become so rampant and evil abound, we are called to remain righteous before the Lord and do not conform to the pattern of this world. How was Noah able to remain righteous whilst the rest of the world lived in sin? Easy, he walked closely with God. Only God can help us to remain righteous in a world that is so sinful, but we have to walk closely with the Lord. We cannot become distracted by what is happening around us. It doesn’t meant that we ignore what is happening around us, but we do not fall into the sinfulness of what is happening around us.

  1. Noah was obedient

As a result of Noah’s righteousness, God decided not to destroy him and his family along with everyone else in the world. God came to Noah and told Noah of his plans to destroy the earth. I want to highlight this little point. Because Noah was righteous God revealed to Noah his plans. God gave Noah the instructions on how the ark was to be built and Noah did all that God commanded him. Noah was obedient to God. In a world of disobedience, Noah did what God commanded. Friends, Noah’s faith in God resulted in his obedience in fulfilling God’s instructions even though everyone else was doing what they wanted. For Noah doing what God wanted was more important than even doing what he wanted for himself. We cannot be faithful to God without being obedient. For obedience is doing what God tells us to do.

Let us demonstrate our faith by keeping the commandments of the Lord.


Christopher Euphfa

Wednesday Reflection, June 17, 2020 Instructions for Worship

Wednesday Reflection, June 17, 2020

Instructions for Worship

Greetings friends. Have you ever thought about how much our current situations affect our worship? Do you realize that if in this moment something happens to make you unhappy then that sort of worship is what you are likely to offer to God?

The Lord will not refuse or despise a heart that is broken and contrite but those are repentant hearts. Brothers and sisters, how often do we repent or see the need to do so?

It matters not what our experiences are. Whether we are happy, sad or in between emotions. Nothing should detract from our praise. Nothing is to distract us from worshipping God freely and from a pure heart.

It is unwise for man to attempt to hold out on God or better yet to attempt to hold hard end. It is only by His mercies that we haven’t been cut off, therefore who are we to think that in laying out our terms and conditions that God will honor them.

Psalm 100 is a favorite of many. It is a call to thanksgiving. To give unreserved worship to the Almighty. Today’s watchword from Psalm 100:2 reminds us as believers to, “worship the Lord with gladness; come into his presence with singing.”

As believers, we oft experience days of doom and gloom, we cannot ignore what is happening in the world around us but we can choose not to let these things affect our worship and how we express gratitude to God.

Colossians 1:12 reminds us also to, “give thanks to the Father, who has enabled you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the light.

William Arthur Ward said, “gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.

Until next week, begin and or continue to worship the Lord with gladness.


Kerone Lamoth

Tuesday Reflection – June 16, 2020 Responsibility Vs Blame

Tuesday Reflection – June 16, 2020
Responsibility Vs Blame

We live in a society that finds it much more comfortable to cast blame than to take responsibility. When we blame, we move the focus from self to the other and in this way create a false sense of virtuousness. Here’s the thing, we make liars of ourselves, and to ourselves, if we cannot see where we are to be blamed, if we fail to take responsibility for what is happening to us. Responsibility will fall heavier on some parties than on others, but when we pause and reexamine the situation we should see where we could have done things differently. I remember years ago I went through a traumatic experience. For many years afterwards I placed the blame on many of the parties involved and it wasn’t until I faced up to my own role and took responsibility for my action that I found peace. In Jeremiah 2 the Lord calls Israel to task for forsaking Him, their source, and for turning to unreliable sources they created for themselves. For their actions Israel would suffer and they needed to know that they were the cause of what they were enduring. Today’s Watchword is Jeremiah 2: 17. Have you not brought this upon yourself by forsaking the Lord your God, while he led you in the way? It is a call to take responsibility rather than place blame.

In an article in Psychology Today, Dr. Susan Whitbourne gives five reasons why people play the blame game. They are:1. It’s an excellent defense mechanism. We very often see people blame others where they themselves have fallen short. It takes the focus off self and places it on others. 2. We use blame to attack our partners. Rather than seek to resolve conflicts we often use blame to hurt others. 3. We are not good at figuring out other people’s behavior or even our own. It’s much simpler to blame them. 4. Blaming someone is much easier than taking responsibility. 5. People lie. Looking at these points one realizes that the reason why we blame others is to keep focus off ourselves, for by taking responsibility the focus will be on us and the onus to make amends, to change our path, will fall squarely in our laps. This was the call that God placed upon Israel. They should not be blaming their enemies for what would befall them. They were to take responsibility for their actions and where those actions would bring them. God’s concern was not about their relationship with others or how they were treated by others, but about their relationship with and abandonment of God. Remember the crowd at the foot of the cross? They stood there blaming Jesus for being crucified but did not see their own part in the event. Think also of the crowds that stood to watch the many lynching that took place in America. The blame was placed on the persons killed, regardless of their guilt or innocence, and despite the fact that lynching broke the law. We see the same pattern repeating itself down the years to this very day. While responsibility personalizes, blame dehumanizes.

Today’s Watchword calls upon us to take responsibility for our actions and see the consequences of these actions as our doing. This is the only way that we will see a need to change or to become better persons. Paul says in 1 Cor 13: 11 ‘Now that I have become a man – an adult – I have put away childish things.’ Throughout the Bible we see a call to responsibility. ‘The soul that sins shall surely die’. ‘What a man sows, that shall he reap.’ ‘Behold I come quickly, and my reward is with me to give everyone as they deserve’. When we face the Lord to answer to our deeds, we won’t be able to blame anyone. We are cautioned to act responsibly therefore, for in so doing we will be moved to repentance, to seek forgiveness and to become better examples for our Lord. Taking responsibility makes us all round better persons and allows the Gospel to be reflected in our daily living.

Bevon White

Monday Reflection – June 15, 2020 Alive and Living

Monday Reflection – June 15, 2020
Alive and Living

Your dead shall live. Isaiah 26:19  

Isaiah 26 begins with a song, a prophetic one too, that will be sung in the land of Judah. It’s a song about God’s work among his people and what he has accomplished. So they will sing, ‘We have a strong city; he sets up victory like walls and bulwarks.’ It is also a song about the benefits of the people’s covenant relationship with God. What are these? The righteous nation that keeps faith in God will enter the city; those of steadfast mind will experience peace because they trust in God; in God they have an everlasting rock; God brings down the high and lofty city and casts it to the dust, and the poor and needy will trample it.

The rest of this chapter is about God’s faithful action on behalf of his people on the one hand, and the negative consequences of not following God on the other. Those whose souls yearn after God and whose spirit earnestly seeks him will experience smooth paths, peace, increase and enlargement of borders. But those who reject God will experience punishment and chastening. Yet the prophet remembers when he and his people were in distress, full of tears and feeling pain. What did they do? Seek God and pour out prayers to him. In response, God gives the promise of today’s Watchword: ‘Your dead shall live, their corpses shall rise. O dwellers in the dust, awake and sing for joy! For your dew is a radiant dew, and the earth will give birth to those long dead.’

God offers new life to those who seek him. But isn’t this the essence of the gospel and of God’s word? As humans we are inherently sinful and want to do our own thing and follow our own paths. Yet, God offers direction and guidance. Those who desire to be led by God, seek after him and are guaranteed the hope of abundant life in the here and now, and eternal life in the world to come. Perhaps, today’s Watchword is a prelude of the life to come. The secrets of the life to come have now been revealed by the appearing of Jesus Christ, who has abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. Here is a confident expectation of the resurrection and glory for the Lord’s righteous ones. We have been slaves of sin and Satan, but by God’s divine grace we have been set free from all former masters. The power of God’s grace, like the dew or rain, which causes the herbs that seem dead to revive, would raise up those united with Christ.

I remind us that those who live outside of Christ are living deads. They are alive but not living, because real living is experienced only in Christ. Such dead persons need to live, and this is experienced when we confess our sins and surrender our lives to the sovereignty of God. I remind us too about the church at Sardis that had a reputation of being alive but was dead (Revelation 3:1).  It looked spiritually vibrant on the outside but was spiritually lifeless. Let’s not forget Christ’s scathing rebuke of the Pharisees who “look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men’s bones and everything unclean” (Matthew 23:27). We have to give full attention to our lives daily and ensure that we are engaged in continued surrender and commitment to Christ and passionately pursuing God and his ways. We must also endeavor to strive daily to become more like Christ. Only then will we remain alive and living.

Jermaine Gibson 

Saturday Reflection – June 13, 2020

Saturday Reflection – June 13, 2020

“I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and of supplication.” Zechariah 12:10

As we reflect, we recall the many troubles that assail us and the wrongs that are being perpetrated in our country and across the globe. We consider the lasting effects of COVID-19 and the other dangers that are imminent. There is growing concern over the welfare of fellow brothers and sisters as protests grow larger, there is the rising crime and violence and the scant disregard for our people, those in authority or for fear and reverence to God for whom we must all give account.

And as we face these challenging and uncertain circumstances, we cling our hope in the Lord Jesus which has kept us confident and sane during this time. The promise that the prophet shared with the people in today’s watchword, is indeed relevant and comforting in this time. As we continue to experience Pentecost – the day of outpouring upon the people – we are reminded of the here that God will pour out the Spirit of grace and supplication upon his people.

Though the text uses the word ‘grace’, the New Revised Standard Version, uses the word ‘compassion’ which is just what we need to hear following the recent attacks that have perpetrated both at home and abroad. How we long for people to have regard and show compassion for our brothers and sisters and treat them as they rightly are: the embodiment of God’s creation made in the image and likeness of God. And if we really would see everyone in this light, with this Spirit of compassion, then the world would indeed be a better place. Also, the promise is one of supplication; which describes earnest prayer that we would be empowered to bring our petitions and intercessions before the Lord. When in boldness, we would pray and act and see the hand and power of the Lord at work.

But ever since the outpouring on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit has been present among his people. And since that outpouring, we still consider the promise in the watchword and may begin to question, the presence of that compassion and supplication in our society. The answer, I would believe, goes back to our role, as Christians (salt and light) and in the Great Commission. When it comes to supplication, we are often reminded both of 1 Chronicles 7:14 which says “if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land” and 1 Thessalonians 5:17 which implores us to “pray without ceasing.”  There is a responsibility on the believer to actively participate in this process.

We ought to pray that this spirit of compassion would be evident in our society. That it would be evident within us, and we ought then to portray this compassion – lest we become hypocrites. Also, our prayer that “thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven’ and we must proclaim the good news of the kingdom so that everyone may hear, may believe and be changed. It is incumbent then upon us, as the now people of God, to return in prayer, seeking God and his divine will and purpose. That is what Jeremiah implores the people understand and act upon, He says in Jeremiah 29:7 “But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” Friends, as we hold on to this faith: we must exercise it: in prayer, in precept and ministry. It is then that others will hear and will experience the Christ who is our love, peace and eternal joy. And when the life-changing power of the Holy Spirit is at work, through us (the hands and feet of Christ), then there is change – and change in one life ignites another until the world is ablaze with passion for the Lord Jesus Christ.

The good thing is that by the power of the Holy Spirit, we have a comforter, helper, friend, intercessor, advocate (adjectives which are interchanged by the different versions) that even when we don’t have the words to bring before the Lord in prayer or in sharing with others, when we may find ourselves overwhelmed or discouraged, and not know how to be witnesses of his love. There present is the Holy Spirit – strengthening us and continuing to intercede on our behalf. With the power of the Holy Spirit we get courage and boldness to witness, and as he lives in us – we in trusting and obeying may bear the fruit of the Spirit and therein to be his witnesses.

Until next week, let us pray that God’s Holy Spirit may descend upon us and transform our world and let us labour together, living and sharing the good news of the kingdom until our faith becomes sight. Amen.

Dominic J. Blair

Friday Reflection June 12, 2020

Friday Reflection*
*June 12,2020*
*Stay steadfast in God’s Love*

Happy Friday friends, I trust we continue to stay safe and well. Today we pause to reflect on this verse of scripture: Jesus said ;“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.
*John 15:9 NIV*

As I reflected on the text, four (4) questions came to mind:

1. *Why did Jesus say “as the Father has loved me”?* : God’s love for His son is like no other, it is continuously consistent, true, full of compassion and unconditional.

2. *How did Jesus know that he was loved by the Father?* Jesus would have experienced His Father’s love even before he walked the face of the earth. However, more so when He came into this world. He went through a tough time, but His Father was *always present*. Taking care of his needs and walking with him daily to ensure the purpose to which He was sent was being fulfilled. *The bottom line is that He ( JESUS) experienced God’s love daily.* That is how he was assured that his Father loved Him.

3. *What did he mean when he said “so have I loved you”?* This is to say that it is this same unconditional, compassionate, continuous and consistent love that God has for Jesus, He (Jesus) has towards us. Just as how God ensured that the purpose to which Jesus was called was being fulfilled, it is in the same way Jesus is ensuring that our purpose in the earth is being fulfilled.

4. *Why are we to remain in His Love?* Simply put, we should remain in His ( Jesus’s) love that we might experience His comfort and blessings while we fulfill our purpose here on earth. Amen….

*Until next week, tan Inna Jeezas Love!*

Shaneka Raymore Euphfa

Thursday Reflection June 11, 2020

*Thursday Reflection*

*June 11, 2020*

*The power of a praying church*

*While Peter was kept in prison, the church prayed fervently to God for him. Acts 12:5*

After the death of Stephen, who was killed because of his faith in God, the followers of Christ were scattered, as a result of the persecution that ensued. These scattered followers of Christ went to different regions such as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch, where they spread the Gospel of Jesus. In Antioch a great number of people became believers and turned to God. It was also here that the disciples were first called Christians. The work in Antioch grew exponentially as persons such as Saul, Barnabas and Agabus became part of the mission there.

It is during this time that King Herod violently laid hands upon some who belonged to the church. James the brother of John was killed and Peter arrested. Peter was placed in prison and handed over to four squads of soldiers to guard him. The intention was to have a public trial, where they would find Peter guilty and put him to death. *But while Peter was in prison the church prayed fervently to God for him.* On the night before the trial an angel of the Lord woke Peter. The two chains that bound him fell off and the angel led him past the two guards that were on either side of him and the guards that were watching the front door of the prison. The Iron Gate that led into the city opened on its own accord and they went outside and walked along a lane until the angel suddenly left.

Friends, as I read this amazing and powerful story, what stood out was the fact that the church was together with one goal and with one aim; they fervently prayed to God for Peter. *As I reflected on this I saw the power of a praying church*. The church prayed on behalf of Peter who was soon to be tried and killed. As I thought about this, I wondered how much more powerful the church would be if we pray together ; if we were one in purpose and aim.

We are living in a time when COVID-19 has killed millions around the world and left many without a source of income. We are in a world where injustice continues to show its ugly face. Not all lives matter as we continue to witness the senseless killing by the police as this runs rampant in Jamaica, the United States of America and around the world. We see injustice in the form of Noel Chambers who died after spending forty years in prison without a trial. Let me go closer home, as a denomination we have been struggling financially for years. Our overall membership has been on the decline.

We have seen the evidence of a praying church. The God who rescued Peter is the same God who can rescue us today, but we need to pray and not just pray, but fervently pray. We need to be persistent as a church when we pray. The text tells us that the church prayed fervently to God. The church prayed passionately and earnestly about the situation. How badly do these situations affect us? If they do I charge us to pray fervently about these issues. A praying church is a powerful church. A praying church can change the situations that face them and the country. I end with a brief testimony. I bought a car that I drove for one day, before it developed an engine problem. I demanded a refund from the seller, which he refused. The church prayed together, along with friends, family and concerned persons. I was refunded the money which the seller refused to pay initially and I was able to get another vehicle. The power of prayer.

I charge us today. Let us come together as one as we pray for those matters that affect us as a church and as a nation.


*Christopher Euphfa*