A Tribute
Monday Reflection – January 15, 2018
A Tribute
Only fear the Lord, and serve him faithfully with all your heart; for consider what great things he has done for you.
1 Samuel 12:24
The greatest of all Judges gives his final speech as leader of the people of Israel in 1 Samuel 12. He led the people for years and was the one to oversee the transition of leadership from Judges to Kings, anointing Saul as the first King of Israel.
The essence of his final charge is captured in the Watchword for today. He urged the Israelites to not turn aside from God and serve other gods. Instead, they and us should:
1. Fear God – This is not to be afraid of God; it is to be in awe and reverence of God. As I thought of this, it struck me that it would not be strange for people of our history of enslavement to conceive that we should be afraid of the all-powerful God. One of the residue of slavery in our society is where many subordinates are afraid of their superiors, and many superiors drive fear in their subordinates. But God is not like that. Though holy, far superior, all-powerful, all-knowing, and omnipresent, God desires that we be in intimate relationship with him. His love, compassion, care, mercy and grace are inexhaustible and incomparable. This kind of God is to be revered and indeed feared.
2. Serve God Faithfully – Faithfulness to God is the key, and not success. God is not consumed nor concerned with success. We are required to sow or water and God will give the increase. When we serve him faithfully, wholeheartedly, single-mindedly, purposefully and passionately, God will justly reward us. We live in a success-at-all-cost-driven world, but for God, faithfulness should be our hallmark. With faithfulness comes endurance as we are expected to serve God for the long haul. We recall the words of Jesus, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”(Luke 9:62)
3. Fear God and Serve Him – The one who truly fears God, serves him faithfully; so that serving God faithfully is a product of revering God. The words of Samuel are synonymous with those of the writer of Ecclesiastes: Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. (12:13)
Interestingly, Samuel urges the people to fear God and serve him faithfully out of their recognition for all that God had done for them. We should view our fear of God and faithful service to him as a tribute of our appreciation to him. This means that fearing God and serving him ought to be a joyful activity that evokes worship and praise.
This chorus sums it up beautifully:
I will serve you because I love you
You have given life to me
I was nothing before you found me
You have given life to me.
Heartaches and broken pieces, ruined lives that’s why you died on Calvary
Your touch is what I long for
You have given life to me.
Till next week, let’s pay our tribute to God by fearing him and serving him faithfully.
Jermaine Gibson