Saturday Reflection – 12 February 2022
Saturday Reflection – 12 February 2022
“My mouth is filled with your praise and with your glory all day long.” Psalm 71:8
It is becoming more and more evident to us, my brothers and sisters, that we cannot ever take a day, a moment, or even small mercies for granted. What we continue to experience around us, must continually lead to the throne of grace, in gratitude and with praise. We are alive and well, if not 100%, there is still life, health, and God’s goodness that we encounter on a daily basis, enough to tune our song that “God is good, All the time and All the time, God is good!”
The watchword for today, comes from a prayer as the Psalmist seeks to commit himself into the Lord’s watchful care, and asks God to be his comfort and strength. We are all too familiar with this prayer, and the stance taken by the Psalmist as he encounters disaster, and in his prayer, celebrates God who has journeyed with him from birth, and that God would rescue Him from danger, that God would show himself to be God in his circumstances, that the Psalmist would never be put to shame.
But the Psalmist in prayer for God’s divine protection, often gives praise to God who has continued to keep him. That through all the stages of life, and all the seasons of life, in his recognition of God’s great keeping, guidance and protection, is led to acknowledge God’s providence and to glorify him all day long. Over the past few months, we have continued to encounter the devastating state our world is in, and though it may leave many of us disheartened and wanting to succumb in this state, even as we reflect on our own role in shining the light of Christ in the darkness, today’s reflection leads us to pause on God’s goodness in our life, God’s grace and mercy that has brought us through, His blessings upon us that transcends even the things of this world. The hymnwriter says “… Riches eternal and blessings supernal from His precious hand I received.” These things that will surely lead us back to that throne of grace with gratitude and thanksgiving to our Guiding and Benevolent God.
You see friends, God has been good to us, and even as the Psalmist seeks God’s divine guidance and protection, he has not forgotten how good God has been to him. He has not forgotten God’s mercies, and He does not approach God as if God has never done anything for him. He acknowledges his Heavenly Father, who is not only God, but a good God whose mercies never fail. And I believe my brothers and sisters, that if we adopt this stance, we will truly encounter God as we reflect on his goodness in our own lives. We may pause to count our blessings, or just recognize the hand of God amidst the disaster around us, and there I am certain that we are in a better position to trust God and to shine the light of Christ in the darkness.
For that light only shines within us, when we have surrendered to God’s will and way, and in recognition and gratitude, allowed ourselves to be immersed in praise and celebration of the goodness of God. And it is this recognition and stance, that invigorates our worship, and gives meaning to our testimony. Our hope in God is strengthened by experiencing God’s goodness which strengthens our resolve, that God, who is the same yesterday, today and forever, will continue to work all things together for good, even in this world, and for eternity. This will assure us of God’s presence that is with us, from whom we are led, and given the courage and strength to lead others. Let us pause, my brothers and sisters, immersing ourselves in the very presence of God, to reflect on God’s goodness, rolling back the curtains as the songwriter says, that we may be lead in worship, and that prayer would come from a place of faith and trust in God, “… for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6b, KJV) Then will our song be sincere, our testimony will have life and meaning, and the light of Christ in us, will shine bright to eradicate the darkness, “For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” (Matthew 12:34, NIV)
Until next week, may the light of God surround us, may the love of God enfold us, may the power of God protect us, may the presence of God watch over us, for where we are God is, and all is well! So how can we keep from singing? Amen.