Friday Reflection February 11, 2022

by Shantavia Fullwood

Friday Reflection February 11, 2022

Good morning everyone, our text for reflection is St. John chapter 14:23.

Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. John 14:23 NIV

In this verse Jesus was answering the question asked in the verse before. One of the disciples had asked ” what do you mean you will show yourself to us and not to the world?” In answering said question, Jesus made two very important statements.

  1. If a man love me, he will obey my teachings

This is the condition necessary for us as believers in order to see the manifestation of God. We cannot see/ experience/ understand Jesus if we are disobedient to his teachings! Without the spirit of love, we are unable to experience Jesus in the way he intends for us to. In other words, we have a part to play! It is our duty to do the will of God through Jesus Christ here on earth and to keep his commandment as far as is possible! The surest evidence of our love to Christ is obedience to his teachings. We cannot say we love God and we are not keeping his commandments.

In answering the question Jesus went on to say:

  1. My father will love them, and we will come into them and make a home with them Let’s break this down, if you keep my commandments my Father (God) will love you! AND…. We (Jesus and God) will come into you and make a home (dwelling place) with you!

Many believers (saved) and even unbelievers ( unsaved) will say “God is with me” however, it is not just so so so as we Jamaicans would say. In order for God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit to live within you , you must keep his commandments! That is not just going to church on a Sunday and paying your tithes and offerings! It’s loving your neighbor as yourself, it’s visiting the sick and shut , showing Kindness to all people and feeding the poor etc…

Final thoughts

Those who love Christ, and have the Holy Spirit, will adhere to His commands. This is what allows us to “see” God, and to know Him. The more love you have for Christ the more you will experience and understand Him and his will for your life.
God bless you all, have a great weekend!

Shaneka Raymore Euphfa