Wednesday Reflection, November 17, 2021

by Shantavia Fullwood

Wednesday Reflection, November 17, 2021

The Fear of the Lord

Greetings friends. Today’s reflection bids us to examine our belief, our standing/position in Christ as well as how we view men. In Isaiah 50, the Lord spoke through the prophet, and he asked the children of Israel about a certificate of divorce. God also asked the people to tell Him which of His creditors he sold them to. Of course these questions could be deemed rhetorical but let us reason out the matter.

Zion was described as the mother of God’s people, Israel. God as their Father put away His wife yet there was no certificate of divorce. Likewise, His children belonged to him so there were no creditors to pay. As was customary, God allowed the children of Israel to be exiled because of their sinful ways.

It saddened/concerned God when the children of promise did not expect to be delivered. In today’s watchword, Isaiah 50:10 states, ‘let the one who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the Lord.’ Brothers and sisters, should we forget who our Father is, who has engraven us in His palms; then we run the risk of walking in darkness. That is what sin is, it strips us of our light as well as our ability to trust God and to rely on Him.

God is never far from us. He remains available to us both in and out of season and sometimes we forget His promises so we end up breaking the ones we made to him. 2 Peter 1:19, the new testament text for today reminds us, ‘so we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to be attentive to this as a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.

When one understands that God is far superior to than any and everything and that man is a mere creature; then he is exercising fear of God, this fear doesn’t lead to flight but to faith because he knows he can trust in God for protection, provision and salvation. Since the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, we can only be wise when we fear God.

Until next week, keep fearing God.


Kerone Lamoth