Thursday Reflection October 14, 2021
Thursday Reflection October 14, 2021
God our helper
Happy are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God. Psalms 146:5
Greeting friends!
The Psalmist begins by offering praises to God as long as he lives. He charges those reading not to put their trust in princes or mortals for they are of no real help. For when they die so do their plans. He encourages us to put our trust in the Lord. Those who do are happy and have hope.
Friends as we look at the text we see the Psalmist drawing attention to our true source of help, who is God. He makes it clear that he’s talking about the God of Jacob and not any false god. It is from Jacob’s twelve sons we get the Twelve Tribes of Israel and the name Israelites for the chosen people of God. We know the good God did throughout the life of the Israelites and the many miracles He worked.
Seek help from the God who parted the Red Sea. The God who tore down the walls of Jericho. The God who led Gideon with just 300 men to defeat an entire army. The God who enabled David to defeat Goliath. The God who sent Jesus to die for our sins. The God who raised Jesus from the dead. The God who gave us the Holy Spirit as our guide today and promised never to leave us nor forsake us. This is the same God of Jacob that will help us. This is who you should seek help from. We shouldn’t seek the help of people or prince’s who die and when they do so does their help.
Those who seek help from the God of Jacob are HAPPY. The proceeding verses tell us why why we should be happy. Verse 6 tells us that God is the maker of heaven and earth, verse 7 that He carries out justice, feed the hungry and set prisoners free. Verse 8 He opens the eyes of the blind and lift up those weighed down by challenges. Verse 9 he watches over the strangers who are alone and those who are marginalised. He also destroys the wicked Those who seek God’s help are happy, because God will help them. It has been recorded how God has helped others so He WILL help us too.
So seek the help of God and be happy for God is our helper.
Christopher Euphfa