Wednesday Reflection, September 22, 2021
Wednesday Reflection, September 22, 2021
God of Comfort
Brothers and sisters, what a time to be alive! Tis a time of pain and sorrow, sickness and death. A time of war and unrest. Many are experiencing famine whilst others are experiencing spoils. Life is perhaps not how we imagined it would be. Work from home orders, curfews and quarantines…none of us are exempt from the effects of all these things. Yet, I would like to remind you that none of what is happening is new to God or comes as a shock to Him.
History indeed keeps repeating itself. In today’s watchword, Isaiah 40:1, Isaiah tells the Israelites, “O comfort my people, says your God. I imagine this verse to be like a drink of water to a thirsty traveller or the sounding of good news to someone who seemingly lost hope. God’s message to His people was to take heart, to be strong and courageous. He was aware of their sins which led to their sufferings yet He was still mighty to save, to pardon and to bless.
Friends, we are no different from the children of Israel. To God, these times are no different than in times pass. The same word He gave to His people then, He speaks to us even now, be comforted, knowing that God is still with you, He is still with us, available to each of us to redeem and to restore. Things might appear to be all doom and gloom at the moment but the Lord wants you to trust Him.
The Lord remains available to those who are willing to trust in and to seek him. In the gospel of Luke 9:11, he records, Jesus welcomed the crowd, and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who needed to be cured.
Let us pray,
Lord of comfort and compassion, when we come to you with open arms, you gladly receive us. Fill us with your compassion, so we too can be welcoming to all those who seek you. Help us, we pray, to bring healing and restoration in Jesus’ name. Amen
Kerone Lamoth