Thursday Reflection August 12, 2021
Thursday Reflection August 12, 2021
Praise God for your spiritual blessings
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. Ephesians 1:3
Greeting Friends,
For today’s text I would like to share the thoughts of Charles Spurgeon and the Enduring Word re the text above.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
Paul called for a blessing upon the Father (in the sense of recognizing His glory and honour and goodness), because the Father has already blessed the believer with every spiritual blessing (who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing). [Enduring Word]
Who has blessed us
This blessing is ours. God’s resources are there for us always. This speaks of an attitude of certainty and assurance.
“We are not sitting here, and groaning, and crying, and fretting, and worrying, and questioning our own salvation. He has blessed us; and therefore we will bless him. If you think little of what God has done for you, you will do very little for him; but if you have a great notion of his great mercy to you, you will be greatly grateful to your gracious God.” (Spurgeon)
With every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ
This describes both the kind of blessings and the location of those blessings. These are spiritual blessings, which are far better than material blessings. These blessings are ours in the heavenly places in Christ, they are higher, better, and more secure than earthly blessings.[Enduring Word]
“Our thanks are due to God for all temporal blessings; they are more than we deserve. But our thanks ought to go to God in thunders of hallelujahs for spiritual blessings. A new heart is better than a new coat. To feed on Christ is better than to have the best earthly food. To be an heir of God is better than being the heir of the greatest nobleman. To have God for our portion is blessed, infinitely more blessed than to own broad acres of land. God hath blessed us with spiritual blessings. These are the rarest, the richest, the most enduring of all blessings; they are priceless in value.” (Spurgeon)
To summarise friends, the spiritual blessings of God far exceed our expectations and are more lasting than the temporal blessings we receive. Therefore, let us give God praise for all He has done for us.
Christopher Euphfa