Tuesday Reflection- Jan 26,2021
The Power of God’s Word
As a child we were part of the building of a tank or cistern in our yard. Our task was to help with the digging and excavating of the hole in the ground. True to the lay of the land, we encountered some enormous rocks that we had to hammer away at and even burn with huge bonfires in order to break them into pieces. Today’s watchword is a reminder of the power of the word of God, the power of the gospel to effect change in the hearts and lives of humankind. Is not my word like fire, says the Lord, and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces? Jeremiah 23: 29.
When we think of fire in the Bible, we are reminded of the presence of God with the children of Israel in a pillar of fire during the nights as they travelled through the wilderness. We also see fire as refiner for precious metals as it burns out impurities. In the same way, in the Bible, the hammer is used to beat metal into smoothness, to break hard rocks, and to fasten things. Both fire and hammer are tools used to accomplish difficult tasks. Jeremiah’s words are better understood in the context within which they were given. God was expressing his displeasure at the prophets who spoke only the words that people wanted to hear. These prophesies did not challenge people to change their ways, to submit their hearts in obedience and to return to God. These should always be the effect of God’s word on the hearer. A failure on the part of the prophet to be faithful conveyers of God’s word, negated the power and effectiveness of the word on the hearer. God’s word ought to challenge the hearers to better living. God’s word has the power to heal and deliver (Psalm 107: 20). God’s word is a light that guides us on life’s journey (Psalm 119: 105). God’s word never fails to accomplish God’s will (Isaiah 55: 11). God’s words have the power to keep us from sinning (Psalm 119: 11). God’s word stands forever (Is 40: 8). To be on the receiving end or to hear anything less than the authentic, Spirit guided, soul searching word of God is to lose out on the power and lifechanging impact of God’s word.
In today’s religious climate where many want words that help them to feel good with themselves, there is great resistance to the authentic word of God. This has led to many religious pundits proclaiming a gospel that satisfies the heart of humanity but leaves a longing in the soul. A gospel that leaves us feeling good about ourselves, the service we give to our fellow humans, the way we relate to others who are not like us and the way we care for the less fortunate. While these are good, such gospel sadly does not impact our whole life, neglecting what is most important, our relationship with God. It mirrors the words of the false prophets of Jeremiah’s time. Indeed, the word of God should ignite hearts and souls with the cleansing flame of God’s righteousness. It should set hearts ablaze, hammering away at our human hardness and softening us as we not only seek to be righteous but to lead others along that path of righteousness as well. Paul was clear in his teachings to Timothy on the importance of the word: …it is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness. 2 Tim 3: 16. So too was the writer of the Hebrews in 4: 12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit. God’s word has the power to align our lives to God’s will. Is it any wonder that satan tries to keep us away from the word of God? Let me encourage you today to remain in, or get close to, God’s word, to rightly discern the word so that the power and the fruits of God’s word may be evident in your daily living. Amen.