Friday Reflection-Dec 4, 2020 The Correct Way To Pray
Friday Reflection-Dec 4, 2020
The Correct Way To Pray
Your father knows what you need before you ask him. Matthew 6:8
Today we will be reflecting on the instructions God gave to his people , informing them of the correct way to pray .
When you become a parent, your main priority becomes your child. They are the first thing on your mind in the mornings and the last thing you think of before bed. Most parents know how to properly love, feed , care for and comfort their child without being told how to do so. Parents don’t need directions from their children on how to tend to their needs because in most cases parents know what’s best.
It is the same way with our Heavenly Father but he does a way better job of taking care of his children. He knows our needs, our pains, our struggles and all the desires of our hearts . We often pray for things that we want but have we ever stopped to wonder if that’s what God wants for us, or if that’s the best thing for us? He gives us very clear instructions on how to pray. He also tells us to be careful that we are not praying like the hypocrites in the synagogues because they pray just to be seen by others. Instead, his word says we should go into our room, close the door and pray to him . He also tells us not to keep on babbling or making vain requests because Your father knows what you need before you ask him .
So let us start paying attention to the way we pray and instead of vain repetitions and just asking God for all the things you think you need let’s just humbly ask him to let his will be done
- Toni-Ann Poyser*