Thursday Reflection December 3, 2020

by Shantavia Fullwood

Thursday Reflection

December 3, 2020

Thanks and Praise to the Almighty (Part 2)

And now, our God, we give thanks to you and praise your glorious name. 1 Chronicles 29:13

Good day friends!

We continue our look at this text from 1 Chronicles 29. There are a couple truths that we have established about this text. We highlighted that the fact that everything belongs to God. The Temple which includes our bodies and the place we worship belongs to God. We also established that our possessions belongs to God. Everything we own or possess came from God and thus belongs to God. I want to highlight in this reflection how David treated and dealt with that knowledge.

First, David understood the importance of the Temple. David was the first to come up with the thought of having an earthly house for God. It was his project, but God said otherwise. The responsibility of building the Temple would fall to his son Solomon instead. Why? David hands were hands of war and so God forbid him to build the Temple. Instead he gave it to Solomon who would know peace during his time. I do not know how David felt initially, but I can tell you David’s response in chapter 29. Instead of moping around, David took another approach. He still wanted to play a role and began acquiring items to build the Temple so that the work would be easier for his son. David understood that this was not about him or his ego; it was about God. That is the bigger picture.

We have to learn to put away petty differences and focus on God’s work. We cannot spend most of our time on doctrines and the observance of tradition, when there are far more important matters to deal with. Don’t get me wrong there is a time and place to focus on those, but there is a bigger picture at play. How do we get more people to become part of the body of Christ? What is my role in getting more people to become part of the body of Christ? What mechanisms do we implement? What strategies do we use? The world is changing how do we now appropriately adjust so that others can find the Gospel of Jesus more appealing? This is I believe is the bigger picture. How do we get persons to give their mind, body and soul to Christ and to the work of the building we worship? Also how do I play my role?

David understood his role. It wasn’t the big role of building the temple, but it was the role of helping to acquiring the items needed to build the Temple. David didn’t say, “Well I am not in charge so me nah do nothing.” No instead he said “let me find a part to play.” David understood that there was a bigger picture and found his role in that bigger picture. Friends we too have to understand that there is a bigger picture and work towards it. When we understand the bigger picture then we can be of the SAME MIND, WILLINGLY GIVE and REJOICE after knowing that we have FREELY givien to the Lord. Remember the bigger picture is about God and His mandate.

When we bear this in mind then we can give God thanks and praise for all that He has done.

Until next week


Christopher Euphfa