Friday Reflection, November 27, 2020
Friday Reflection
November 27, 2020
You know that the testing of your faith produces endurance , James 1:3
James , a half brother of the Lord, wrote a letter to the twelve tribes that were scattered abroad. In the letter, he encouraged his brethren to put faith to the test .
We have all been through difficulties and sometimes the hardest thing to do during that moment is to be happy or have faith . We often let anxiety, depression or sadness consume us and affect our ability to believe that God can change our situation. Those moments are normally when our faith is revealed and tested.
James tell us that regardless of the trials we face, we should always be happy because the testing of our faith produces endurance and better days are always ahead. It is important as Christians to endure whatever is thrown at us so that we can prove the wonderful work of God in us. Endurance is having the will power to face an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way. The word tells us that after you have endured and done God’s will that you will receive his promises. Faith is vital to salvation and it helps us to trust and believe in God’s word and his promises for us.
So going forward in our lives , let us all try to have more faith and try to endure whatever circumstances that comes our way and trust wholeheartedly that God will always make a way.
Stay safe , stay blessed
Toni-Ann Poyser