Saturday Reflection – 14 November 2020
Saturday Reflection – 14 November 2020
“How great are your works, O Lord! Your thoughts are very deep!” Psalm 92:5
The moment that Adam and Eve sinned, humanity had been condemned to face the judgement of God as punishment for that sin. We remember the words of David in Psalm 51:5 saying “Indeed, I was born guilty, a sinner when my mother conceived me.” And throughout scripture, we see the work of the Law and Prophets in guiding God’s people to righteous living.
Since it was not God’s will that anyone should perish, God provide the ultimate sacrifice, Christ Jesus our Lord, that we may experience his grace and be saved. When we begin to consider the divine plan of God to salvation, and see the love that flows from the cross, we are often speechless. From the design of the prophets – to their message and prophecies. And through scripture, seeing everything fall into place. It is by God’s love – through Christ’s sacrifice that we can be saved, are saved, and we will be saved unto his return.
We are reminded by Paul in Ephesians 2:8-9 that “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God— not the result of works, so that no one may boast.” It is important that we remember that work for our salvation, it is not through our acts of worship, our life, or service to God, but it is God’s gift to humanity. From sinners to sinners saved by grace.
As Christians, we are then led to life of gratitude and humility. Since we are not deserving but have been extended this grace, then we ought to express thanks to the giver. And we ought to be humble. As we contemplate a new normal, it is easy to be overwhelmed by the events of recent times. It is easy, as many others have done to question God’s ability to control, or the extent of God’s hand in recent events. However, today’s watchword reminds that God’s work is great evidenced in our salvation. Since by his grace, we are not only saved but also sustained, we have reason to remain grateful, humble, and confident. Just as the songwriter pens “When he was on the cross, I was on his mind.” We can still be confident that God’s love has not ceased, nor did he stop caring for us. We ought to continue to trust God as God leads us across the Jordan. And God invites us to “Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7)
Last Friday, on our way to Choir Practice, we all expressed how hard the week had been, and how we tired we are. And our youth leader, in response to our feelings, told each of us to name three things that we were thankful for. In counting our blessings, the mood had shifted to gratitude. When we are mindful, and thankful – then God’s love, peace and joy fills our life so much so, we that we can, in full assurance that it is alright.
Today’s watchword leads us to reflect on the goodness of God, in giving to us that gift. Remember that day, when we were the Holy Spirit drew us to him, and we said Yes. The moment when we were never the same again. That was God’s work. Then recall how God has kept us. Those moments where all we could say was “Were it not for the grace of God, where would we be?” That was God’s work. And it is evident in all of this, that he deeply cares about us, and works all things together for our good.
But it is easy to forget, to complain and become rebellious – just as the Israelites forgot how God saved them from Pharaoh’s hand, having experienced the plagues that fell on Egypt. They seemed to forget how God brought them across the Red Sea and decimated their enemies. They began to complain to Moses – that they were only tired of manna and wanted to go back to Egypt. Today’s watchword calls us to remember. To stop for a moment, and consider the times, it seemed impossible – but we became victorious. To remember God’s saving and sustaining work in our lives and be grateful, and humble and confident. When we remember, then we are strengthened – knowing that the God who does not change can do it again.
Until next week, may we continue to lean on God’s everlasting arms. In recalling God’s goodness to us, may we continue him to trust, and truly believe that if he led us to it, then he will lead us through it. Amen
Dominic J. Blair