Thursday Reflection October 8, 2020 Witnesses

Thursday Reflection

October 8, 2020


Joshua said to the people, “You are witnesses against yourselves that you have chosen the Lord, to serve him.” And they said, “We are witnesses.” Joshua 24:22

Good day friends,

I greet you in the Mighty name of Jesus!

Today I want to reflect briefly on the passage stated above. Joshua, along with the Israelites had conquered majority of the Promised Land. Joshua invited them to a meeting to distribute the land and to encourage them to faithfully serve the Lord. Despite Joshua’s reservation the people assured Joshua that they would faithfully serve the Lord. It is Joshua’s response to people’s assurance that is our text for reflection. He pointed out that they [the Israelites] are witnesses against themselves and they agreed to being witnesses. Similarly, we too, are witnesses to the pledge we have made and therefore I want to leave three points for us to reflect on.

1) You made a commitment to serve God

When you gave your life to the Lord, you made a commitment with the Lord. No one forced or can force you to accept the Lord. That is a personal decision. A decision to give up all things for the sake of Jesus and him crucified. So you are held accountable for it is YOUR decision.

2) You have to hold yourself accountable

I know we are in an era where some of us have accountability partners to help us with our spiritual journey, however at the end of the day you have to hold yourself accountable. No one else can.
If you choose not to share with your accountability partner your every moment of weakness or your every sin, then that partner cannot help you. You have to be accountable to yourself, whether that is sharing with others or being honest with yourself. If you find yourself drifting away from God, YOU have to make that decision to get back on track. YOU have to be serve God faithfully.

3) Testify of God’s faithfulness

As witnesses we MUST testify of what God has done for us and even for others. We MUST declare! We MUST speak out! That’s the responsibility of a witness. They share what they have seen or heard. We are to do likewise. We tell others of God’s grace and mercy.

Until next week be faithful witnesses.


Christopher Euphfa