Wednesday Reflection, October 7, 2020

Wednesday Reflection, October 7, 2020

Pardon for Sin

Brothers and sisters, I greet you well! How many proverbs do you know? How many did you grow up on? And how many do you still use and find to be quite applicable still? The fact that there is nothing new under the sun resonated with me from the very first time I read Ezekiel 18.

The chapter opens with the Isrealites lamenting that they were being punished for the sins of their fathers simply because, the fathers ate the sour grape and set the children teeth on edge. How old were you when you learnt that this particular proverb was in fact biblical?

My friends, it is very easy for us to believe this proverb to be true especially in a world and culture that seems unable to cut you some slack. If it’s not one thing its another and if its not one thing its the other. Affliction, persecution, disappointment. Conflict, pain, singleness, joblessness, wayward children, unfaithful spouses, on and on the litany goes…

But as God reminded the people to put away such foolish thinking and not to discontinue the use of that particular proverb. He also reminded them that He judges each individual based on their individual sins. In Ezekiel 18:23 He speaks, ‘Have I any pleasure in the death of the wicked, says the Lord God, and not rather that they should turn from their ways and live? Today’s watchword. Whilst it is easy to believe one is being punished for something more or that he didn’t do, it would be unwise for the believer to pursue or continue in sin because the Lord bids each of come to repentance where He will blot out our sins and remember them no more.

Jesus said, ‘ I have come as light into the world, so that everyone who believes in me should not remain in darkness.

Let us pray, Father in heaven, whose love profound
A ransom for our souls has found,
Before thy throne we sinners bend;
To us your pardoning love extend. E Cooper
Eternal Father, thank you for making us aware that you want the very best for us, life in all its fullness.


Kerone Lamoth