Wednesday Reflection, July 1, 2020 Come out of Hiding
Wednesday Reflection, July 1, 2020
Come out of Hiding
Brothers and sisters, I greet you well. As I reflected on today’s verse, I was reminded of Adam and Eve and how, after they ate the fruit, realization dawned on them and they, recognizing for the first time during their existence that they were naked, sought to hide from God.
When the Lord called out to them asking, “where are you?” It wasn’t a question about their physical location but about their spiritual health and position; for who among men can flee from the presence or knowledge of the Lord?
Culture and socialization has taught many of us to be secretive and to hide our feelings, habits, thoughts and whatever else we may possess. Sin also keeps us from going to God. It fills us with a foolish sort of pride that deceives us into thinking that we can make it on our own. Without leaning on or seeking God.
In today’s watchword from Jeremiah 23:24 the Lord puts it perfectly, “who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them? Says the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? Says the Lord.”
My friends, there is nothing too hard for God. There may be some situations and circumstances that you may think incomprehensible; you may have been tempted like Adam & Eve to partake of and experience that which would change your life and changed it has but instead of bringing you closer to God it has somehow made you feel distant and placed you into a worse situation.
Be not dismayed, seek the Lord earnestly, He is concerned about the condition of your soul and doesn’t care that sin has made you naked. Come out of hiding, recommit to God and allow His peace to fill you.
Until next week be encouraged, be reminded, rest assured because, “Anyone who loves God is known by him.” 1 Corinthians 8:3
Kerone Lamoth